Chapter Two: Macoroni

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Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 2


Robert walked away first brushing past both me and Morgan. My eyes shot to her and I raised an eyebrow. She shrugged just as the rest of the guys finished off and walked towards us. I handed them water bottles before walking towards the merch table. TJ stopped me, but sighed before walking away.

"You guy's just need to fuck." Morgan whispered in my ear as we walked away. I chuckled at her and she smiled brightly. We took over the previous girl's spot and started selling shirts, Cd's, accessories and anything else. A lot of girl's told us how lucky we where to get to tour with Escape The Fate!

"Trust me, it's not as awesome as it seems." I whispered to one of them. Morgan laughed before giving the guy his change. Some dude's flirted, others just chatted.

"Call me." A guy said as he was dragged away by security after trying a little to much, let's just say he'll probably have a bruise on his cheek for a while. Morgan started packing things up after that while I sat there. After two minutes of Morgan throwing random shit at me I got up quickly and threw a soda at her.

"Bitch, that was full!" She screamed at me as some of the crew laughed.

"You started it!" I screamed loudly. She stuck her tongue out at me before narrowing her eyes at me.

"Hurry up, we need to finish this shit up, it's getting dark and I'm cold." Morgan muttered running her hands over her arms. I sighed before getting up and packing thing's up. We had sold at least half of the merch, probably more. While Morgan was stacking the box up into the truck she accidentally knocked one over. She let out a groan before cursing loudly. I chuckled as she bend down to try and fold the clothes. Morgan, being Morgan kept messing up and started getting frustrated.

"Fucking bitch." She growled lowly throwing the shirt down onto the floor. I sighed before getting up.

"Go, I got it." I told her being the good friend I am. She smiled before getting up and walking away, leaving me alone in the cold, dark, L.A night. Nice one babe. I finished folding the last box of shirt's before putting the box in the back of the truck and closing the trunk. The crew had took the tent down already so I just stuffed it in the box with the banners and stuffed also put it in the truck. The tube's where already in the other truck and the crew was spreed around the venue packing things up, though there was only a few people left. I sat talking to Omar, the tour manager, as he "supervised" the crew, when in reality he sipped some starbucks and ate a giant chocolate chip cookie. He just really didn't want to go home. Trouble in paradise.

"Did the guys leave off on good term's?" I asked him after a while of watching the crew.

"Kinda, they did kick Max out, but they'll always be friends." Omar muttered as he gave me a piece of the cookie, a miracle to be honest. The guy loved his cookies. I sat there thinking for a while. Will the guys get mad that I still talk to Max? I mean he's my best friend, and their best friend. They can't be mad at him, right?

"Don't worry, they won't freak to much." Omar said with a smirk.

"How did you know?" I asked him taking a bite of the cookie.

"He suck's at sneaking out." He said calmly. I laughed lightly knowing it was true.

"That's Max for you." I muttered as he smiled.

"Go get some sleep Kat." Omar told me.

"Don't need it." I muttered looking at the crew.

"They'll leave." Omar said with a smirk. Trust me, they've left me quite a few time's, yeah I've had to ride with the crew a few time's, but I'm not complaining. Those guys where hilarious.

"I'm not tired though." I argued with him.

"Look if you don't hurry up Mike will worry, if he worries he doesn't sleep, if he doesn't sleep he can't perform, if he doesn't perform, we are screwed." Omar said calmly.

"See I knew you didn't care about me." I told him. He let out a groan as I jumped off of the truck and started walking to the bus.

"Goodnight Kat!" Omar screamed.

"Night O." I screamed at him. He smiled before turning around and barking orders at the crew. I rolled my eyes before I speed to the bus. I opened the door and saw Mike on the couch looking at the TV, not watching it.

"You don't have to wait up." I muttered sitting down next to him laying my head on his shoulder.

"I wasn't." He lied easily.

"Then what where you doing?" I asked with a smirk.

"Waiting." He whispered with a sigh.

"Thought so." I muttered. He laughed as he got up.

"We start moving in two." He told me before retreating to his bunk. I sighed as I got up. Minus well get some shut eye. Just then TJ walked into the bus without a shirt on.

"Get mugged?" I asked him. He chuckled before walking to the small fridge in the cabinet.

"Nope, just needed air." He muttered. I nodded getting up and walking towards the bunks, but then the bus jerked forwards sending me towards TJ. He quickly caught me, but we fell in the process. Nice. I lay on top of his bare chest staring at him in shock. He smirked at me and I glared as I got up, TJ somehow managed to get up before me. I looked at him before sighing, I didn't get to leave the room before the bus jerked and a gooey substance suddenly covered me.

"TJ!" I screamed. His eyes went wide.

"I didn't mean to." He screamed at me.

"Dick!" I growled.

"What the fuck did you do dude?" Craig asked as he emerged with the rest of the guys and Morgan.

"I accidentally dropped the plate of marconi on her." TJ said with a smirk.

"Your dead Bell." I growled at him. His arms went up in surrender and I smirked.

"Kat doesn't forget or forgive." Morgan muttered.

"Who's the blonde?" TJ asked.

"Oh yeah newbie." I muttered with a glare.

"Kat's best friend, Morgan." Mike muttered.

"Oh, TJ watch your back, once you get on Kat's bad side, your better off dead." Rob said with a smirk as he walked away. The guys nodded in agreement as I smiled at him.

"Game on babe." He muttered with a smirk.


Borin, but eh. The crap I do for my white chic lol. Go fan this crazy girl lol @BeingMexoxo she is beyond amazing! Oh nd their tour manager's name is actually Brian, but i changed it to Omar so I don't get confusion between him and Monte.

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