Chapter Twenty-Two: Pregnant Girl Problems.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 22


"I spy with my little eye, something...white." Morgan spoke as I rolled my eyes and looked outside the window. We where currently with Robert in his truck on the way back to Cali, only an hour away from Craig's home, where we would all stay for the next week. All you see is white clouds, blue sky and rocky mountains.

"I don't know Morgan, I don't see anything white." I said sarcastically as I watched the clouds pass by.

"I spy with my little eyes two annoying girls." Robert mused from the front seat as he looked towards us. I glared at him as I sighed.

"Can we stop?" I asked him.

"Again?" He asked as he merged lanes towards the exit glancing at me momentarily.

"The last time was your pregnant girlfriends bladder so shush." I told him as Morgan laughed.

"I kinda need to pee again." She mused as he groaned and took the exit the three cars following behind us.

"Wendy's!" Morgan yelled as Robert parked in the gas station which was conveniently right next to the Wendy's.

"Why did we stop?" Mike asked as he rolled down his window.

"Pregnant girl problems." I told him as Gaby rushed by us.

"I need to pee." She sang as she ran by. I looked towards Samie who shrugged.

"I'm fine." She said as she got out of the car. Everyone parked the cars and walked to the Wendy's.

"Can I have three Hot and Juicy's." I told the lady as I ordered.

"Combo or sandwich?" She asked.

"Combo's." I told her. She smiled as I handed her my credit card. I put down the tray in front of Samie and Max as they thanked me.

"So whens your next shoot?" Samie asked me as she took a sip of soda.

"Hot topic one." I told her as she smiled.

"When do you get your ballet pictures back?" Morgan asked me.

"You still do ballet?" Gaby asked me.

"No, but I'm still flexible and I can take the pictures for campaigns." I told her as she smiled.

"I think they should be back by now." I told Morgan.

"Which address?" She asks.

"Who knows." I mumble

"Kat it's your turn to drive." Robert reminded me.

"Can I switch cars? I don't wanna drive with these two alone in a back seat." I mumble as everyone laughs.

"Come with us." Max mumbles as I smile.

"Thank you." I say.

"What about them? They make out to you know?" Morgan mumbles.

"Not in front of me." I tell them. We all finish our food before getting back into the cars. I drive with Sam in the passenger seat and Max in the back.

"So what about the wedding?" I ask them.

"After the baby. Sam wants to be "skinny" while getting married." Max says with a smirk as Sam glares at him.

"I just don't want to be all fat in all the pictures." Samie mumbled as I smiled.

"What about you guys get married now and have the party later?" I ask them as they share a look.

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