Chapter Seven: Aftermath

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Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 7


"What?" I yelled.

"Shh!" Morgan shouted getting up to come and cover my mouth.

"When?" I asked her.

"When we left the club to go to the hotel, it kinda just happened." She muttered looking down.

"And you tell me now!" I yell. She glares at me trying to quiet me down. I sat on the bed looking at her as she fidgeted around.

"Was it good?" I asked after a while of silence. She throws a pillow at me as I laugh and she grows red.

"I'm kidding! So what? You guy's talk yet?" I asked her.

"No." She said looking down.

"We'll then go!" I told her.

"Well I need an excuse!" Morgan says.

"Okay, I got it. I'll ask to use their restroom and you talk to him." I told her.

"This doesn't have anything to do with the fact that him and TJ are bunking together does it?" She ask a smirk playing on her lips. Bitch knew me to well. I smiled as I pulled out a bottle.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Hair dye." I said smiling. She smiled brightly as she laughed.

"Alright, but how you going to do it?" She asks pulling her shoes on.

"Well he was going to dye it brown tonight and Omar said he always dye's it after midnight so no one see's it till morning. It's ten." I said smiling.

"You are mad women." Morgan mutter's as she get's up.

"Like your any better." I muttered following her. I hid the bottle in my inner jacket pocket as we walked towards the room. Morgan looked nervous, but confident at the same time. I knocked and Robert opened the door.

"TJ's not here." He told me.

"Oh I need to use your restroom our's isn't working." I lied easily. He sighed as he held the door opened wider. I walked to the bathroom to see all of the hair dye thing's ready to go. I took the hair dye and switched them out. I added some bleach to the first step before adding more dye to the second step. I smirked as I hid the bottle's back into my jacket. I flushed the toilet letting the two know that I was coming back outside. I walked into the room to see Morgan blushing as Robert laughed.

"Time to go." I said with a smile. Morgan got up and walked towards the door.

"So?" I asked as we approached are room.

"He said he liked me!" She yelled jumping up as I laughed.

"Dam calm down." I told her.

"He asked me out. Tomorrow night." She said smiling. I opened the hotel room and walked to my bag and grabbed my PJ's and changed into them not caring if Morgan was in the room. Morgan changed too and soon we both knocked out on the bed's. The next morning we woke up to shouting and loud pounding on the door. My eyes shot to Morgan and they went wide.

"Kat!" TJ yelled. I laughed along with Morgan.

"I'm not here!" I told her. I slipped in to some van's and walked to the connecting room. My brother's room. They where both in hysteric's.

"Holy shit Kat, genius." Brian said as he laughed. I chuckled as I ran towards the door. I heard TJ yelling from my room so I easily slipped out of the door and he never noticed. I ran until I bumped into Craig.

"Your dead girl." He muttered as I glared at him.

"Gab's downstairs in the car, hurry." He told me. I ran to the elevator and got in just as some guy walked out. I pressed the first floor button a million times as the guy looked at me weirdly. Okay just imagine this. A girl with piercing's, tattoo's, a messy bun, short pajama shorts, a tank top and a pair of worn out van's pounding the elevator button as if her life depended on it. Yeah, I'd be looking away. The elevator dinged and I ran out of the hotel to see Gaby's car parked out front her hand motioning me to hurry up. I got in just as TJ ran out. She pressed on the gas and we where off.

"Nice color." She said smiling. I smiled back as she drove to some hotel.

"Hi auntie Kat." Leila said from the backseat.

"Hey baby." I said smiling at her.

"You do that to TJ?" She asked.

"Kinda." I muttered as Gaby parked at a hotel.

"It's funny." Layla said as she giggle. Awe! She was so damn adorable! We got off and walked towards the hotel room which was on the third floor. I was on the couch talking to Leila when Gaby walked in with a pair of clothes.

"Here." She said throwing them at me. A pair of black skinny jeans and a white v-neck.

"Thanks love." I said with a smile. She smiled back as I changed in the restroom. Gabby was laughing at her phone.

"What is it?" I asked. She showed me a picture of a pissed off TJ with bright red hair. I knew the bleach would come in handy. I laughed as I looked over the picture.

"Payback?" Gaby asked.

"Yeah, he told a giant room full of Escape The Fate fan's I was his girlfriend. Pretty pissed." I told her.

"He did admit he was gay in the begging." I muttered as Gaby raised an eyebrow.

"Long story." I said with a sigh. She raised an eyebrow and I sighed knowing I had to tell her. So I did and she laughed the whole time. The door opened and I looked up to see Craig looking sorry.

"He found the message." Craig muttered. My eyes went wide as I jumped up and hid behind Gaby. TJ stalked towards us as I gulped. Gaby side stepped not wanting to be in the danger zone. I glared at her my eyes going wide. I ran and grabbed Leila, picked her up and hugged her towards me as she giggled.

"No!" Craig and Gaby yelled simultaneously as they ran in front of me trying to protect there little girl. Awe, so cute.

"Kat." TJ growled.

"Hi." I said with a smile. The rest of the band including Morgan ran in threw the door.

"Don't hurt her!" Mike warned. I stuck my tongue out at TJ like the immature twenty four year old that I am. He glared as he tried grabbing me, but due to Craig and Gaby's protectiveness he couldn't.

"Ha!" I yelled. He easily pushed past the two parents and grabbed Leila, put her on the floor and glared at me. Oh God.

"Nice hair." I said sarcastically. He glared at me as he tried grabbing me. I jumped and ran away. He was on the other side of the glass narrow rectangular table and every time I would move he would too.

"Your the one the spilled the macaroni, you technically started it." I informed him. He glared at me as he ran around the table. I jumped over to the other side before running towards the kitchen. The guys? They where laughing their asses off along with the girls and Leila. I glared at them. They are so dead.

"Fine Kat, you want a war, you'll get a war." TJ said a smile playing on his lips.

"I will stand right by your side. I have made it through the fight. Now I'm coming home. I'm coming home." I said quoting their song. He looked at me as if I were stupid as I smirked and ran away from the kitchen and behind the guys. Old trick that worked on every guy in this band, even the old one's. I did this to Max a lot and the last time I saw Ronnie, it worked on him, that was two month's ago.

"Kat you will regret ever doing this!" TJ yelled.

"Sure I will." I muttered looking at him. Let the games begin.


Sorry for the wait guys, which isn't that long, thank Morgan for that one.

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