Chapter Twenty-Seven: Rehearsal.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 27


“So how do you know Oli?” Max asked me as he drove. We where a good ten minutes from the hotel the guys where staying at. Don't know why they needed a hotel for rehearsals but it's their money not mine.

“I did a lot of campaign shoots for Drop Dead.” I told Max.

“And she was in Chelsea Smile with Morgan.” Samie mused from the backseat where she lay.

“I puked in the sink.” I mumbled as Max rolled his eyes.

“That video is a few years old Kat. You would have been underage.” He mumbles with an eyebrow raised.

“So we might have been in London where you could drink at sixteen, and we might of gone overboard, but it was fun.” I said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes once more as he punched my arm.

“Your lucky your brothers don't know. How old where you? Nineteen?” He asks.

“Eighteen, Morgan was nineteen.” I told him as he sighed and pulled into a parking space. We left the bags in the car and entered the rehearsal studio. We walked the the room where the guys where at to see them sitting around with a few familiar faces.

“Kat.” Chris yelled loudly as he jumped up and ran towards me. I jumped up slightly before his hands wrapped around me.

“You make me feel short.” I mumble as he laughs.

“You are short.” He said causing me to flick him off which in turn had him howling with laughter. I was short, no denying that. I was a bit under five seven which was short compared to all these rock star dudes.

“Ricky.” I said with a smile as he hugged me.

“Your fully dressed.” He exclaimed as I rolled my eyes and pushed him back. Balz picked me up in a hug before ruffling my hair.

“Hey shorty.” He mumbled with a smirk as Ryan hugged me quickly.

“Haven't seen you in a while.” Ryan spoke with a smile. Brandon smiled sweetly at me as Ghost and Kylie walked towards us.

“Hey lovebirds.” I said with a smirk. They smiled at me as Kylie pulled me into a hug. Ghost hugged me after wards as a girl with red and black hair, one color on each side, came up towards us.

“Kat you remember Ashley, from New Year's Day, I guest star in one of their songs.” Chris told me.

“Yeah I watched you at Warped, and you where on set of America.” I told her as she smiled.

“Your the girl who sang with Oliver.” Ashley said with a smile.

“You sang?” Craig asked me as I nodded.

“How come I wasn't invited?” He asked as I shrugged.

“I swear every single band member was sitting around watching her.” Ashley said with a smile.

“So what you guys doing here?” I asked Chris.

“Came to catch up with TJ, oh you feel like being in a music video?” Chris asked me.

“Another one?” I ask him.

“Yeah, for New Year's Day.” He said pointing at Ashley who was talking with Morgan and Samie.

“Sure.” I said with a smile.

“Alright I'll text you the details. Have you seen the video for America?” He asked me as I shook my head no.

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