Chapter Twenty-Nine: Back to the Road.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 29


I threw my bags on the floor of my apartment with a sigh. I had just came back from my vacation with Max and Sam, my long weekend with the Crown The Empire and my three night sleep over with my Black Veil Brides guys. I needed to get away. I left the day Bryan slapped me and turned off my phone. I haven't talked to any one of them in two weeks. They start their Undead tour tomorrow. I walked up the stairs slowly before I took a quick shower and ordered pizza. The doorbell rang and I got up expecting a pizza guy but was met by TJ standing there in red skinny jeans and a black v neck with some Ray-bans on his shirt. He smiled softly as I smiled and jumped into his arms taking in his warm embrace.

“I fucking missed you.” He mumbled lowly as I smile.

“I missed you too.” I mumble into his chest honestly. I don't know why, but the whole time I was gone I wondered about him. The truth was that I was falling for TJ, pretty damn quickly. He lets go of my waist and closes the door behind him locking it before he pulls me towards the living room.

“Your brother's have been freaking out lately, they thought you were gone for good.” TJ tells me as he pulls me onto the couch with him.

“What where you doing?” I asked him.

“Trying to track you down.” He mumbles as I look up at him.

“What are we?” I ask him after some silence.

“I don't know.” He mumbled making me sit up.

“It's up to you Teej.” I tell him. He looks at me for a bit before grabbing my face in between his hands and kissing me.

“What should I take that as?” I ask him after he breaks the kiss.

“I need you Kat, that's all I really now.” He mumbles as I smile.

“Getting corny aren't we?” I ask with a smirk as he smiles. He opens his mouth when the doorbell rings. I get off the sofa and run to the door where a pizza delivery guy stand and hands me two pizza's.

“I only ordered one.” I tell him. He shrugs and hands me my change before leaving.

“More for us.” TJ mumbles as he grabs the boxes out of my hands as. I roll my eyes and grab a two liter of Coke before heading back to the living room. We sat watching Thor while eating pizza and drowning down the soda. Aren't we just so healthy? TJ's phone rang and he answered it with a sigh.

“Hello.” He said into the phone.

“Oh crap! I'll be there soon.” He said before he hung up and got up.

“Get some clothes together Kat.” He tells me as he grabs all the dishes.

“What?” I ask.

“I'm not leaving you here.” He tells me as he pushes me towards my room. I sigh as I walk up the stairs. Minus well travel along with them. I throw in many outfits which consist of many skinny jeans and normal causal shirts, some cute blouses, some shorts, sweats, tank tops, and cropped tops. I threw in three pairs of converse and two pairs of vans. Two pairs of pumps and grab extra tooth brushes and two hair brushes. I throw my makeup in a bag and hair products in another before putting them both in the suitcase. I grab some more necessities before walking downstairs. TJ grabs the suitcase with a grunt.

“You bringing your whole room?” He asked me. I roll my eyes as he grabs my hand and pulls me out the door. I look the door before we run towards TJ's rental car. It takes us a few minutes before we get to where there bus is at. This tour is different then most. This time we rent a hotel closest to about six of the guys venues and stay for a little over a week before we move to another one and keep the same routine for the whole tour. Making it easier for Gaby and Morgan who are on tour the whole time. I stop TJ before we get to the bus.

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