Chapter Thirty-Four: Kid.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 34


"You know what I just realized, we're the only two people on this level of the hotel." TJ mumbled as we exited onto the fifth floor Everyone else on you're was on the sixth floor except for us. It was our last two weeks of tour, mid August to be exact.

"And you tell me this why?" I ask him a smirk playing on my lips. The guys go on break for a month starting September.

"I think you have a good idea." He mumbled as I roll my eyes and open our room. It was almost exactly like the last two. A king bed, living room area and a kitchenette.

"You going to the show tonight?" TJ asks me as I nod and sit down on the sofa.

"Yeah, Andy wanted me to go." I tell him as he nods and sits next to me.

"I wonder why." I mumble. A few hours later I watch as they perform one by one each band goes up. Hollywood Undead finishes Lion before Crown The Empire gets up.

"Well today we have a very special surprise for our friend Kat, if you know her, you know her best friend is Max Green." Andy days as the crowd cheers.

"But she had another best friend who had managed to stay out of the spotlight by enrolling in the military." David says as I look to them with an eyebrow raised.

"So from all of us Kat, hers your best friend now." Ben says into the mic as a familiar guy steps on stage. He looks straight at me and Morgan as we stand with our mouths agape. He holds his hand out as I run to him. He catches me in his hand with a smile as tears well in my eyes.

"Now why don't we start this shit up." Andy mumbles as we get off stage. Johnny Ringo starts up as I smile.

"Johnny!" I tell as he laughs. Morgan waddles over as he laughs.

"What happened to you?" He asks as she smiles and his him.

"I missed you." She cries as he hugs her or attempts to. Bryan and Mike greet him along with Robert. Everyone else us introduced because he left way before Craig took over the band.

"Max will be here tomorrow and we'll be reunited." I tell him as he laughs.

"Why don't we all go out to drink." Johnny asks as we all nod.

"Can't, got a bun in the oven." Gaby says as Morgan nods.

"You guys could watch movies all night, let's go." I mumble grabbing Johnny's hand. We make our way to a bar across the street and make our way in.

"Let's see if the military toughened up your drinking." I say with a smirk as I order two shots.

"Let's see if you still as heavy weight as you've always been." Johnny mumbles with wiggle of his eyebrow.

"Oh, its on." I mumble as the guys laugh.

"This has to be good." Craig says as he laughs. The bartender sets down since shots as we line them up.

"And go!" Robert yells as I pick up the glass and drown down the liquid. One after the other the four shots disappeared.

"Damn, how does a girl of your structure manage to finish the shots before a navy seal?" Robert asked as I smiled sweetly.

"She was like this during high school to, just a lot worse." Johnny mumbled with a smirk.

"She had Max and Ronnie with her, of course she was worse." Mike says as I glare at him.

"Why thank you." I mumble as he laughs and grabs a shot, he soon follows after a girl just like Bryan. Robert and Craig drink casually while Johnny dances like a physco. Soon Ben, Brent and Hayden walk threw the door, the other three have girls with them, along with Austin.

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