Chapter Eighteen: Anywhere But Here.

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Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 18


I let the water rinse off my body as Austin let out a groan.

"Why are you taking a shower again? We're going to an amusement park babe. You know with smoke and cotton candy flying around in the air." Austin said as I rolled my eyes and shot off the water. I wrapped a big fluffy towel around myself as I stepped out. I walked towards my suitcase as Austin let out a groan.

"Hurry up and change." He muttered covering his eyes.

"Horny bastard." I muttered under my breath.

"Only for you babe." He said as I laughed and grabbed my clothes.

"I'm changing in the bathroom." I told him.

"Aw come on." He mumbled pouting. I kissed his lips softly before changing in a hurry knowing the lock on the door didn't work. I was in my room, the one I shared with TJ who luckily wasn't here when I got here. I had some jean shorts and a pale pink round neck with white vans.

"Does this look good?" I asked Austin as I exited the bathroom.

"How do you manage to make that look so fucking sexy?" He asked.

"It's a gift and a curse." I joked as he smiled and wrapped his arms around me throwing me onto my bed.

"Have I ever told you your amazing?" He asked me.

"Nope." I said popping the P as his hands landed on my waist.

"I should start." He mumbled bringing his lips down so they pressed against mines. I smiled as I ran my hands threw his hair as his arms pushed my shirt up slightly. It was a perfect moment if you ask me, until the door was slammed open. I broke my lips from his to see my brothers and TJ standing by the door.

"Crap." I mumbled fixing my shirt as Austin rolled off of me.

"I'll be outside." He said before he left the room. Awesome boyfriend I got huh?

"Hi." I said with a small smile at the guys.

"Hi! That's all I get after I find my youngest sister making out with her boyfriend!" Bryan yelled.

"Bonjour." I say with a smirk.

"Kat!" Bryan yelled.

"Oh come on! It could have been worse!" I yelled.

"Oh really?" He asked.

"You could of walked in on me having sex." I said giving him a pointed look.

"Happened once!" Bryan exclaimed.

"Twice, you where to into it the second time." I say getting off the bed and throwing me hair into a ponytail.

"Must of been a good fuck." Bryan mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

"Is she naked?" Andy asked as his head popped into the room.

"Damn it." He cursed as his eyes fell on me.

"Nice one Andrew." I muttered throwing a pillow at him.

"Did he try looking at you naked again?" Ben asked as he poked his head in. I nodded as he rolled his blue eyes.

"Austin! Andy's trying to look at your girlfriend naked again!" Ben yelled with a sick smile. Andy's eyes widened before he turned around and ran seconds later my pissed off boyfriend was running after him. Got to love them.

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