Chapter Forty-Four: Are You Sure?

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Craig's P.O.V

Chapter 44


"Run it again." Omar says with a sigh as he twirls his finger. We all look at eachother as I sigh.

"Dude, we've gone threw this song atlast twenty times." I mumble as he looks at us.

"Well if you started doing it correctly then maybe we would of moved on by now!" Omar yells as we hear someone laugh slightly.

"Kat, you're not helping." I growled as she stood up.

"Hey Omar, why don't we take an Oreo break?" She asks as he looks towards her with a raised eyebrow.

"Double stuffed?" Omar asks as she smirks.

'Double stuffed." She says as he rubs his chain almost as if he's truly thinking it through.

"Deal, guys take a break!" Omar yells as Kat links their arms and starts walking to the door before sending us a look.

"That girl can work miracles." Robert mumbled as I nod.

"Where's Kat?" Morgan asks as she enters the room with four bags of mexican food.

"Distracting Omar."  I mumble as she nods and sets down the food.

"Mike! Bryan!" Brandi yells as she runs in to the room.

"What up Brandi." Bryan mumbles as he tuns his guitar.

"Kat's puking again." Brandi informs as Bryan sets down his guitar and races out of the room after Mike.

"Is she okay?" Robert asks as Brandi shrugs. 

"Come on." Brandi motions as she starts racing outside. I run after her trying to keep up with her though the girl was in shape due to her modeling carrer and I wasn't due to all the junk food and beer we inhaled during tour. By now Bryan, Mike , Max and Ronnie were arguing as Austin and Ben kneeled next to Kat who was hunched over a trash can. I rushed nto her side as she looked up at me. She was pale and had bags under her eyes.

"Kat why don't we go to the doctors office?" I ask as she shakes her head.

"Kat." Austin mumbles as she looks to her side. It was almost as if they were having a telepatic conversation.

"Fine." She grumbled lowly as he smiles in triumph.

"Let me call Gina, she was worried. Then we're leaving." He says as she nods.

"Gina?" I ask as Ben looks up.

"His girlfriend." He informs as I nod.

"She was the photagrapher who took pictures at his cousins wedding two months ago, they hit it off." Kat says with a smile as I roll my eyes. Ben helps her up as Omar's car pulls up. He threw the keys at Austin and helped Kat in to the front seat. Brandi, Max and Ronnie get in to the back of the car.

"Gaby, can  you take care of Ayden?" Kat asks as Gaby quickly nods.

"Get back to practice idiots." Kat mumbles as I roll my eyes at her and grab Leila from where she stood. Bryan grabs Ayden as we start walking to the rehersal room.

"Why don't you guys eat first." Omar mumbles before leaving as we start at him shocked. He's never one to delay practice. We all ate in the rehersal room and an hour later Omar reapperas.

"Alright guys, I Alone." Omar says as he massages his temples. I pass my food to Gaby who splits it inbetween her and Leila. Bryan ruffles Ayden's hair who, suprisingly, is still eating. There's no doubt he's Kat's son. Morgan smiles at Robert innocently as she takes a piece of chicken off his plate. He rolls his eyes at her as she laugh and kisses his cheek. We go through the song twice before a the door opens and Neil starts talking to Omar who nods and motions for us to stop.  A pale girl walks through the door her dark hair falling in waves down her skinny body.

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