Chapter Fifty-One: Pretty Doctor.

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Max's P.O.V.
Chapter 51

"Is this a Mr. Max Green?" The voice asks as I answer my phone with a sigh. I didn't need people selling me anything when my son and Kat were both still gone.

"Yes, this is him." I mumble pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Yes, your son and Mila are both being transferred to Durango hospital." The voice states making me sit up.

"Are they okay?" I ask her slightly worried.

"We'll explain when you get here, though we ask for family members only." She says.

"I'm on my way." I tell her before hanging up and finally leaving my room. I rush down the stairs and find everyone sitting in the living room talking quietly.

"Mike, Bryan, we have to go." I tell them as they both stand.

"What's wrong?" Bryan asks as the rest of the group starts to stand.

"I don't know, but they want immediate family." I tell them as they nod. We make our way to the hospital in silence. We walk through the halls to the main desk where Mike asks for Kat.

"Room 550." The lady at the desk states as we thank her before heading to her room. We all walk in to the room and find Kat sitting in the bed quietly a busted lip and brow, bruise on her upper left cheek towards her cheekbone. A white bandage wraps around all her right arm and a patch on her collar bone.

"You okay?" Bryan asks her as she nods.

"What happened?" Mike asks her.

"Jake's dead." She states lowly.

"What happened?" I ask as I sit next to her.

"Self defense." She states as we stay quite.

"I killed him Max." She mumbles as I pull her in to a hug. She cries quietly as I look towards her brothers.

"We'll go check with the doctors." Bryan says before they both leave. After a while I pull away.

"Go to sleep alright Kat, you need it." I mutter.

"Ayden." she mumbles as I smile at her.

"I got him." I tell her as she sighs.

"I can't sleep." She tells me as I sit next to her on the bed. She lays her head on my chest as I put my hand under her head. She slowly falls asleep as I think to myself before the door opens and in walks a doctor, Ayden holding her hand.

"Dad." Ayden calls out as he rushed to my side.

"Hey kiddo." I mumble slowly getting out from under Kat and picking up Ayden.

"Quite a cute son you have." The Doctor speaks causing me to look up at her.

"Thanks." I state looking her over as she grabs the board and looks it over. She was tall, around 5'6 maybe 5'7, and pale. Red hair fell down to her shoulders, and she wore gauges in her ears, a funny sight when combined with her long white trench coat. She puts her large nerd type glasses on and rolls up her sleeves revealing tattoos here and there. She was gorgeous, no denying that.

"Finally got her to sleep huh?" She asks with a slight laugh as she look at me with a brow raised, her green, almost gray eyes shining.

"Your poor wife wouldn't go to sleep since she got here, even after the fight she put up." The Doctor straights.

"She's not my wife, best friend actually." I state as she laughs.

"How did you get that to work? I tried doing that for a year, blew over quickly." She says with a laugh.

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