Chapter Forty: Brandi Bliss.

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Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 40


I woke up in between Austin and Ben. Why the hell where these fuckers in my bed? On the floor laid Andy who was hugging David. Brent and Hayden where also spread out in the floor and Max was curled up in the couch in the corner. Everyone except for the two pregnant whales and three kids (Ayden, Leila and Nash) had gone to a bar. Max, along with Kara, was the supervisor. Most of us got tipsy except for David and Brent, those two had to be carried back. My phone suddenly rang and all the guys let out a groan. I tried to get up but I was jam packed in between the two boys. Max walked over and pulled me up as I grabbed my phone.

"Hey Kat, do you remember me." A familiar voice spoke as I smiled.

"Hmm, is it the president?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah it's Bush." he mumbled.

"You do realize Obama had been in office for the last five years right?" I asked him.

"Oh shit." he mutters as I roll my eyes.

"What you need Matthew Sanders." I asked using his full name.

"Well the record we us for your part in the song broke. If you can come re-record it, I'll love you forever." He says as I walk down the stairs towards Gaby and Morgan.

"You said that last time." I mused as I picked up Ayden and sat him on my lap.

"Kat, please." he whined as I sighed.

"Alright what time and where?" I ask him.

"Two hours, Mandalay Bay." He answer.

"You're lucky I like you." I mumble.

"Love you." The guys shout as I laugh.

"I love you guys too." I mumble before I hang up.

"Who was it?" Morgan asked me.

"Oh, just M-Shadows." I tell her.

"Aww I've missed him." she says.

"I'm going over in two hours. Wanna come?" I ask her.

"Please, I need to leave this house." she says as I laugh.

"Wanna come along Gab?" I asked as she nodded.

"Hey Kat your photo shoot is in four hours." Max yelled.

"I forgot about that." I mumbled as Andy walked down the stairs.

"Are you going to be naked by any chance." he asked as I glared at him. A few hours later I was at the studio with Gaby and Morgan with Ayden and Leila.

"Katherine!" The guys yell as they see me.

"Holy shit. Why are you so gianormus!" Arin asked Morgan. He was a great drummer, though people never gave him credit.

"Robert knows how to work." Gab joked as I laughed just as Morgan's phone rang.

"Speaking of the devil." I mumbled as she rolled her eyes. It was a Skype call.

"Hey Robert." I say with a smile.

"Hey Kat." he smiles back.

"Kat let's record this." Matt said as I nodded. The guy finally started the music and motioned for us to start. Morgan had the phone faced toward us as the song started.

"I will suffer for so long

(What will you do, not long enough?)

To make it up to you

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