Chapter Forty-Five: You Are The Father.

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Max's P.O.V.

Chapter 45.


"And here you go, the results to your test." The nurse says with a broad smile as Kat smiles and takes the envelope.

"Thank you." We both say with a smile. We exit the building and make our way back to Gaby's apartment. We stay queit as I glance back to where Ayden sat. He was playing with the edges of his Superman bandage though when he looked up he smiled.

"Mom, who's my dad?" Ayden asks as I look at Kat. We all wanted to now that answer kid.

"I'll tell you later." Kat says which Ayden simply nods to. I look at the envelope which was tucked in Kat's bag. We make our way to Gaby's place and enter the room where everyone is spread out watching Teen Wolf.

"My baby!" Morgan shouts as I roll my eyes. They look up at the sound of the door closing before Gaby pauses the show.

"So.." Brandi mumbles as Kat holds the envelope.

"We haven't checked yet." Kat tells them as Ronnie stands up. He was staying the night before heading out tomorrow morning.

"I'll do it." He says as he grabs the envelope from her hands. He opens it and looks it over before clering his throat.

"Drumroll please." He mumbles as Tia presses a button on her phone.

"In the case of Ayden Joseph Green, Maxwell Scott Green you... are the father." Ronnie says in a deep voice as everyone stays quiet.

"Who owes me money?" Tia asks as everyone hands her money causing her to smile.

"I was wondering who was going to win." I mumble to Kat which causes her to laugh. She looks at me before motioning to the door. I nod as we slip out of the apartment unnoticed.

"I'm sorry." I blurt out.

"For?" She mumbled with a raised eyebrow.

"I remember the day you had Ayden, we asked you if you were going to keep him and you said you didn't want to make him go through life with one parent. Kat, if I would of thought of this earlier you would of had six more years with your son." I tell her as she turns her head to look at me.

"Our son. Max, I'm not mad at you, we both should of thought of this. You missed out of six years of your sons life as well." Kat mumbles.

"Plus, I rather tell my son, our son, that we didn't work out instead of telling him he was a product of rape.

"I guess it's a good thing I like his name." I tell her as she smiles.

"Go tell him." She says as I nod and we go inside.

"Ayden!" Kat calls out as Ayden runs in to the living room. He looks up at Kat with big questioning eyes. She kneels down to his level before sighing.

"Remember when you asked who your father was." Kat says as he nods. She whispers something in his ear before he looks around.

"Ronnie?" Ayden asks looking at Ronnie who looked away whistling. Kat laughs as she shakes her head.

"I'm to cute for her." Ronnie mumbles causing Kat to glare at him.

"Max?" Ayden asks again. Kat nods as Ayden looks at me before narrowing his eyes, almost as if he was trying to see if we were lying. Like Kat used to do. His eyes flickered to Kat as she nodded at him in reassurance. Ayden suddenly he stepped foward and hugged me. I smiled as I look towards Kat who was also smiling. She stood up as we looked to the side to see Morgan, Gaby and Brandi all crying. Ronnie kept a straight face though his eyes gleemed.

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