Chapter Forty-Two: From The Past.

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Max's P.O.V.

Chapter 42


"Where's Kat?" I heard Mike ask.

"Her and Austin are still asleep." Bryan informs him.

"Let's hope Ayden isn't with them." Robert jokes as I hear Craig laugh.

"He's not." I say as I enter the kitchen with Ayden in my arms, the guys all look up with smiles.

"Kat hasn't slept in days, at least he could get her to sleep." I mumble as Mike sighs.

"She doesn't deserve it man, all she tries to do is help. Always gets screwed over somehow." Craig says with a sigh. Bryan frowns as he grabs Ayden.

"Let's just hope she doesn't kill TJ anytime soon." Robert says with a sigh as I laugh.

"Good luck with that." I mumble as the guys groan. A few hours later Kat was awake and trying to feed everyone. I laughed at her attempt which caused her to glare at me. She let out a small groan of pain as I looked at her.

"You okay?" I ask her suddenly worried. She nods as I raise an eyebrow and step closer to her putting my hand against her forehead.

"Your burning up." I mumble as she smiles weakly.

"I'm fine Maxwell, don't worry." She says before flipping the pancake on the grill.

"Duncan, get this girl to sleep." I shouted as Austin walks into the kitchen.

"I've been trying, she won't get back to bed." he groaned as she laughed.

"Come on Kat." Austin said trying to pull her away as she shook her head and held on to the counter. I laughed as I took the pancake off the grill and added new batter. I heard Kat's laugh as I turn to see Austin tickling her sides trying to get her to release the counter top. The doorbell rings as she finally let's go and runs to the door. Austin laughs as he leans back on the counter. We talk to each other until I hear a loud familiar voice.

"Where the fuck is the kid Kat." The voice shouts.

"Fuck." Ronnie yells from somewhere in the living room.

"Holy shit." I mumble as I pass by Austin and towards the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask the blonde.

"Ah, Max coming to the rescue." Jake says with a smirk.

"Leave Jake." Kat says sternly as he laughs.

"Where's my son Kat." Jake asks looking angry.

"Leave her alone Jake." I snap at him.

"What you two back together?" Jake asks with a smirk.

"It doesn't matter what we are? Just leave Jake." Kat snapped.

"Not until I see my son." Jake growls.

"Leave before I make you." Ronnie says coming up from behind Kat.

"Try." Jake muses.

"You know I'll call the cop's." Kat threatens.

"It didn't work before did it." He says with the raise of the brow.

"Go." she growled lowly as Johnny walks in.

"Make me." he shot back taking a step closer to.

"Jake." She warned getting angrier by the second.

"You've seemed to have forgotten who's in charge." he growled.

"You've seemed to forgotten that was years ago." she snapped.

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