Chapter Thirteen: ...Again.

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  • Dedicated to My Reader's

Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 13


"Omar." I greeted as I walked up towards him.

"Mila." He said with a smirk. I glared at him as he laughed. He knew damn well that I hated that freaking name.

"Hi Omar." Morgan said as she smiled brightly.

"Hello Morgan, see I like her better." Omar mused as I laughed sarcastically.

"Don't be jealous Kitty Kat." Morgan said with a smile as she hugged Omar.

"Of him? Never." I muttered. They laughed as Omar shouted some orders to the crew.

"The guys?" I asked him.

"Their asleep, I've been working them lately, keep's their mind off of you guys being gone." Omar told me.

"So their tired?" I asked him.

"Yeah, they didn't got to sleep till midnight." Omar told me. I looked at the clock to see it was half past six. Perfect.

"Awesome. Thanks Omar." I said smiling. Morgan chuckled as his eyes widened.

"Kat, don't do anything stupid." Omar warned.

"Cross my heart." I said with a smirk as he rolled his eyes and sighed, probably not believing me. The guys had only gotten two cities away from us in the two week's I was gone. I swear these boys slack off to much. Omar let out a groan as I pulled Morgan along to the bus. I pulled out my Ipod as I entered the bus silently. I grabbed the remote of the speaker's that boomed through out the whole bus.

"Song?" I asked Morgan.

"Second's and Sebring's." She said with a slight laugh. I connected the Ipod in pausing it and putting the volume up all the way, starting it over I connected it with the speakers. Morgan laughed lightly as she tried not to wake up the boys.

"Come on." I whispered as I grabbed the remote locked my Ipod and headed to the back of the bus, the small room in the back. I closed the curtains before clicking the button that unpaused the song. The song blasted threw the speaker's and in an instant you could hear the guys scrambling to get up. I laughed as the guys shouted over the music.

"Turn it off!" TJ yelled.

"Who's is it!" Robert screamed.

"There's a fucking code!" Mike yelled at the guys as I chuckled.

"Ugh, Austin shut up!" Was Bryan's brilliant response.

"Kat! If you don't turn this shit off I will hurt you!" Craig yelled, and we have a winner. I laughed along with Morgan, happy that they couldn't hear over the blasting song. I tapped my foot along with the beat before the curtain was ripped open by a angry looking Craig. I smiled as he threw me over his shoulder causing me to yelp. He dropped me on the couch making me hit my side and he glared at me as he put the Ipod in my hand.

"Oh cool, thanks." I said with a smirk. The song switched to Avenged Sevenfold's Gunslinger.

"Katherine!" Robert shouted.

"Full name's nice one Robert." I muttered.

"Kat." Bryan growled.

"Shh, don't disturb M. Shadows. It's rude." I told them. They all let out groans as I threw the Ipod to Morgan. She unlocked it easily, since she had cracked my code years ago. The guys let out sigh's of relief as she turned off the song. She glanced at me and smirked and I knew her plan almost instantly. I checked to see the emergency exit was locked and nodded her way. I texted Nel the plan and he texted back an okay. I nodded to Morgan as she clicked on Antivist by Bring Me The Horizon before she jumped up and we both ran outside of the bus. We closed the door and I leaned on it as Nel parked the truck in front of the door before Morgan and I both walked up to sit on top of the emergency door exit trapping the guys in a bus with bulletproof window's, looked exit's and Oli's beautiful voice blasting from the speaker's.

"Kat! I told you not to do anything stupid!" Omar shouted at me as he stood at the bottom of the bus with a glare.

"I didn't, I am just playing my music causally." I said with a smile as Morgan laughed.

"Morgan, your supposed to monitor her, not motivate her." Omar yelled as she shrugged with a smile.

"Open that door now!" Omar shouted.

"Yes sir." Morgan and I said in unison. He let out a breath as he walked away.

"Just one more song." Morgan muttered. I laughed as I nodded after the song played we got off of the bus and asked Nel to move his truck. We opened the door and Robert literally feel out of the truck.

"Fina-fucking-ly!" Bryan yelled as he exited the bus.

"You guys do know the speaker remote was in there right?" Morgan asked. The guys looked at each other once they had exited before shaking their head as we laughed.

"That remote could turn off the music." I told them with a smirk.

"Guy's your interview is inside." Omar told them. They all grumbled before changing quickly and walking to the venue for their interview.

"What happened to your side?" Morgan asked as she motioned to it. The white t-shirt was soaked in red.

"The fuck." I muttered as I lifted up the shirt. The patch that had covered the stitches was soaked in blood, my blood.

"I think they opened up." I muttered.

"Let me get Robert's car key's." She muttered as she stared walking away.

"Don't tell them why." I yelled after her. She nodded as she ran off. She was back quickly with the key's and two white towel's.

"Here, put some pressure on it, God your losing blood." Morgan said as she handed me the towel's. We got into the car as she rushed to a hospital. Thank God for GPS. The first towel soon soaked over in blood as I switched the towel's out. Once inside they rushed me off as my eye closed on their own will.

"I'm calling somebody!" Was the last thing I heard before I was out... again.


Alright guys here it goes :>, sorry for the delay and yeah vote, comment and share. Oo what you guys think of my temporary cover?

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