Chapter Twenty-One: Lottie.

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Morgan's P.O.V

Chapter 21


I toyed with the picture of Gabby and Craig's unborn baby, eyes staring at it's small head and curled fists. My finger ran down it's little spine and I took a deep breath. It looked so small and vulnerable. It was living inside of Gabby, breathing and surviving off of her. The thought scared me, even though it wasn't my child. She had to protect it, raise it, teach it, give it love and care.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I jumped slightly when Robert came up behind me, wrapping his large arms around my small waist and pulling me against his wet chest. I could faintly hear Kat screaming at the guys and Gabby laughing. Leila was snoozing on the couch, curled in a tight ball and a thin red blanket tossed over her form. She looked so adorable and it was hard to imagine her grown up and having a baby of her own.

"What do you think about a baby?" I whispered, glancing back down at the picture.

"I think it's pretty awesome that they're having another one. I always knew Gabbs and Craig would be together forever. Leila's probably excited to be a big sis." He said, peering over my shoulder and snatching the picture from beneath my fingers tips to get a better look.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye, studying his face. Robert was perfect in all ways. He had his flaws like any other person but he accepted them and didn't give a damn about what other people thought. He was himself and didn't take shit from the guys. He treated me like a princess and when I was feeling low, he made me feel like a fucking model.

"Robert," I breathed and he turned towards me, our noses brushing. He smiled brightly, his eyes twinkling with an unreadable emotion. "What do you think about having a baby yourself?" He blinked and pulled slightly away from me,

"Why do you ask?"

"Just . . . curious." He shrugged and glanced down at the picture,

"I wouldn't mind having a few kids of my own. Maybe in a few years when I've settled down."

"Do you . . ." My throat constricted and I looked down. "Do you think that you'll be with me when you settle down?" It was silent and my heart pounded. I could hear the blood pumping in my ears and my palms were getting sweaty. What if he didn't see us together? What if I wasn't in his future plan? He lifted my chin so our eyes connected. I could see concern in his eyes and his lips were set in a deep frown.

"I-- Morgan, as of this moment I can't imagine a future without you. You're my everything. Even though you can be a pain in my ass," I laughed at this and looked down. He made me look at him again, our eyes interlocking.

"I imagine us getting married and having a few kids of our own." I sniffed and toyed with his swim short's drawstring,

"What about now?"

"Now what?" He asked in confusion.

"If now we have a baby." He stiffened,

"What are you trying to say?"

"That I think I'm pregnant." I whispered. He was tense and I peered up at him, watching as he blinked a couple of times and took a couple of breaths. He brushed a strand of pink hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek. His touch soothed my raging emotions and the tender smile he gave me made me feel so much better.

"Even though you're only 24 and I'm 27, and your parents hate me to the end of the Earth," At this we both chuckled. "We will manage this. I will support you in everything and be by your side the whole time. I . . . I--"

"I love you too, Robert." I whispered with a small smile. He smiled and bent down, capturing my lips in a heated kiss,

"I love you so fucking much," He gave me another kiss before straightening up.

"Now let's go get a test and make sure that you're carrying Robert Jr." I scoffed and rolled my eyes,

"It's a girl."

"How do you know?"

"A mother's intuition."

"Bull shit." He coughed as he slipped his shirt on, grabbed his car keys, as he told Craig that we were going out for some more beer.

"I quite like the name Charlotte."

"Robert Jr. Period." He stated and drove towards the Chevron ten minutes away.

"I could call her Lottie and she'd be a ballerina." I mused.

"I'd call him Rob and he'd be the quarterback for his high school." Robert said gruffly as he grabbed a test and paid for it. I turned around once we were in front of the bathroom, the test in my hand. Robert stared down at me and I could see the anxiety on his face, and I was also nervous to see if I was really pregnant.

"If it's a girl, I get to name her Charlotte, and if it's a boy he can be Robert Jr." I agreed.

"I choose her middle name." He stated before shoving me into the bathroom. My nose curled as I peed on a stick and I washed my hands for what felt like hours. Robert knocked impatiently on the door and I let him, immediately falling into his arms as we waited. He kissed my head often and rubbed my stomach, where something could be living and growing.

It felt weird, thinking about caring a living being inside of me. Especially when I pondered on the thought of how the baby was made. Now that I think of it, the baby could of been created either two weeks ago on the bus or one month ago at the hotel room.

"It's time." Robert whispered, knocking me out of my thoughts. We exchanged nervous glances before peering into the sink where the stick was. My breath caught when I saw the two plus signs. Robert's hold on me tightened and a nervous chuckle escaped his lips.

"Congrats, mommy." I felt lightheaded,

"We're gonna' be parents."

"We're gonna' be motherfucking awesome parents."

"Hey! Baby!" I cried and held my stomach.

"I have nine more months before he comes around," Robert chuckled and hugged me tightly.

"Let me enjoy my cursing."


This might get edited soon, not sure it's up to Morgan. Anyways all credit goes to her and yeah. This takes place mid chapter 20. Vote and comment.

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