Chapter Forty-Three: Band Checklist.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 43.


"Toilet paper." Austin said as I look into the shopping cart.

"Check." I say with a smile.

"Tea's." Austin reads off the list as I look down.

"Check." I mumble.

"Cereals, chocolates and snacks." 

"Check, check, and check."  I mumble.

"Alright, one band down, two to go." Austin says as I groan. A store worker walks up and takes the cart.

"Can you ring it up while we get the next list?" I ask him as he nods and leves taking the two cart fulls with him. We were currently at the store getting everything off the three lists the guys said where crucial for tour. You don't want to know how many boxes of condoms we had to buy. By the end of the trip both of my trucks where full. Max drove one with Johnny, Austin and I taking the other. About two thousand dollors where spent on all the crap on the lists for the guys.

"First truck's full." Ronnie mumbles as he comes to help with pushing the cart. I push as he pulls trying to get the heavy cart to move. A worker soon see's our trouble and starts to help move the cart to my truck. The grocery bags where in sections. All of Escape The Fate's bags where in truck one, a black rope sectioned off those bags from the Hollywood Undead one's. The rest of thier bags in the second truck along with all the Crown The Empire bags.

"Let's go." I mumble with a sigh. We meet the guys in the venue and start unloading before cleaning out the buses and stocking up the bus. I cleaned the bus out with anyone that wasn't in a band, taking a bus at a time. We cleaned, sanitized and changes all the sheets from every bunk in each bus. I started to stock all the cereals, teas, snacks while Johnny and Kara stock the fridges, Max and Ronnie vacum and clean restrooms, a funny sight forsure as Brandi cleans the bunks. Same process, every bus. There's definitely a reason I stopped touring.

"I hate this." I mumble as I sit down on the bus steps trying to catch my breath.

"Ashtma?" Max asks lookingf down on my.

"You need your inhaler?" Ronnie asks looking to see if he had to run towards my house. I shake my head as I hold up my hand. He pulls me up as I sigh.

"Kat!" Mike yells jogging to me.

"It's fine Mike, don't worry." I mumble.

"Is seems like she was tring to have an asthma attack." Max mumbles.

"Probably the checmical's getting to you." Brandi says as I sigh.

"I'm fine." I tell them as Mike looks skeptical.

"Let's go, I want to see you guys play." I tell him. He nods as we make our way to the venue practice area. The smell of smoke in the air caused me to stop and try and take in a deep breath.

"Fuck." Ronnie yells before he runs out of the building.

"Shh, stay calm Kat."  Max mumbles as they guide me out of the building. 

"Here." Ronnie says shoving the inhaler into Max's arms. He hands it over as I put the nozzle in to my mouth and press down on the button as I can suddenly breath again. I let out a sigh of relief as the guys sigh. After a while I was able to enter the building threw the back door of the building so I can see their practice.

"You keep hititng the wrong note." I tell TJ after a while. He sighs as he stops playing.

"Well sorry I'm not fucking perfect." He growls as I sigh.

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