Chapter Fifty-Two: Gone.

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TJ's P.O.V.

Chapter 52.



"Alright guys, this is the last song of the night. This song is called World Around Me, sing along if you know it." Craig says in to the mic as we start the song.

It's been two months, two months since Kat went in for surgery after killing Jake. Two months since Bryan and Mike left the band. Two months since we got Kevin on board to join the band. Two months since Kat left with Ayden and never turned back.

I looked at the crowd and saw some people singing along, others had tears streaming down their cheeks.

The only person she ever called was Mike, telling him she'd be back in time. I looked to the side to find Morgan bouncing Robert in her hands, Brandi stood next to her with Charlotte, Gaby sat with Caige in her arms as Max held a sleeping Leila. Tia took pictures as the small girl bounced at her feet. Just then Emma walks up with Rose. I avoid Rose's gaze and turn back to the crowd. She was now about six months along and Emma had joined the last two weeks of tour to help us out with her, though Max seemed to be her motivation to come on tour. Even though they'd only been together for a month, they seemed closer then her had with Samantha. And even though everyone was here at the show, including the two Money brother who had came out to catch up with us, there was something missing.

In a month we'd start tour with Falling in Reverse, a shocker for the fans but something we'd been planning for months.

"Thank you Los Angele's, we'll see you next time!" Craig shouts before we exit the stage. Robert is quick to take his daughter in to his arms and Craig soon takes Leila from Max as he shakes his hands out before running a hand through his hair and turning to Emma who smiles at him and kisses him quickly before grabbing her daughter as we make our way to the bus. When we reach the bus we notice Max had disappeared.

"Where Green go?" Robert asked sitting down. It was our last tour date and in a matter of hours we'll all be in Vegas, home at last. Max walks in a few minutes later looking dazed.

"You okay Max?" Morgan asks him shifting the baby in her arms.

"I need to get to Vegas." He mumbled.

"We'll be there in seven hours." Craig states.

"I need to pick up Ayden." He states before walking to the back of the bus.

"What's going on?" Bryan asks him walking to the back.

"Kat called, she said she needs me to take him for a bit." Max tells him.

"Em-" He starts talking though she cuts him off.

"I'll go don't worry." she says as he nods.

"Did she say why?"  I ask him.

"No, she just said to call when I got to Vegas, but it was urgent." Max mumbles. Thirty minutes later Emma, Spencer and Max were on their way to Vegas to get Ayden.

"What do you think was so urgent she had to leave Ayden behind?" Gaby asks looking concerned.

"Mike?" Craig questions as he gets up.

"We should of gone along." He tells Bryan who nods. Ever sense Kat left the hospital the two guys had been out of it, never really paying attention. They weren't themselves and Emma knew why. Even though she was Max's girlfriend she was bound under doctor patient confidentiality. Bryan and Mike soon left leaving us to wonder about Kat.

"Does anyone know what's wrong with Kat?" Robert asks as Brandi looks away.

"Brandi?" Robert asks as she bites her lip.

"I can't say." she mutters.

"You have to!" Morgan yells.

"I promised." Brandi mumbles as Tia sighs.

"Is it bad?" Craig asks as I crossed my fingers hopping she'd say no.

"Yes." she manages to whisper.

"Don't." Tia warns Robert who looked ready to force the truth out of her.

"Brandi, please." Morgan begs as we all look at her though she gets up and leaves.

"Why won't you tell us!" Robert yells after her.

"Leave her alone." Tia snaps at him.

"You know too." Craig states as she nods.

"How?" I ask her.

"Bryan let it slip." She mutters lowly.

"Damn it Tia, fucking tell us!" Robert yells at her.

"She was dying." Tia mumbles lowly causing everyone to grow quiet and our world to come crumbling down.

"She left to try and get treated." She says as reality sinks in. Kat was on the verge of death and we never knew. She could die and our last memory of her will be saying goodnight to her as she disappeared in to her room, she'd be gone the next morning with her son. She was gone and we didn't want to admit it to ourselves that it could be the last time we saw her.She was gone in more then one way. Kat was simply gone.


And fin! So this is the last chapter and the ending of the book. Stuff we be cleared up in the sequel and I still don't know who will play Kat, hopefully my mind will be cleared by then. The sequel will be posted in a week or so, depending on how I start it. And I'm sorry that it's short but this is the only way I could come up with to end it. Vote and stuff and share with people.

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