Chapter Forty-Nine: Missing Kids

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Kat's P.O.V.

Charter 49.


It's been one week since Morgan gave birth, and man were those kids adorable! I smiled down at my cute little godson as Morgan smiles at me. We were all currently in my house around the living room trying to catch up.

"Mom. Dad. When do I get a brother?" Ayden asks as my eyes widen along with Max's. My brothers both laugh loudly along with Craig and Robert. The girls smile as Ronnie starts to choke, with a quick smack on the back he was simply gasping for air as he laughed.

"Why do you ask Ayden." Max asks him.

"Leila got a brother." Ayden says as I glare at Craig.

"Nice going." I mumble as I point my tongue out at him.

"So can I get a brother?" Ayden asks again as everyone laughs though stop when Bryan clears his throat.

"Yeah can he?" Bryan asks as my eyes lock with Max and with the smirk on his I know exactly what he's thinking.

"Max?" I ask as his smirk widens.

"I mean we can try." he says as everyone's jaws drop and I try not to laugh. I get up along with Max as I smile.

"See ya." I say simply as Morgan and Ronnie smile both knowing what we were doing.

"Bye!" I shout over my shoulder as I grab my keys.

"Take care of Ayden will you?" Max asks the shocked group. I throw the keys at him as he catches them with one hand.

"Max don't touch my sister!" Mike yells as I laugh lightly.

"No promises!" Max shouts as he closes the door behind us.

"Burger King?" He ask as I nod. We both get in the car as he drives towards the nearest Burger King.

"I guess it's up to you Maxwell." I state as he raises a brow.

"I can't have kids, remember?" I ask as his eyes widen.

"They said possibly." he reminds me as I laugh.

"Ten percent chance." I tell him as he turns the wheel.

"Your body is basically your own birth control." he tells me as I laugh and he parks the car. We get inside and quickly order our food before sitting in a booth towards the back of the small food joint.

"Sam had her kid." Max tells me after a few seconds of silence.

"Really?" I ask as he nods the sadness in his eyes evident.

"She was an idiot for letting you go." I tell him as I hold his hand.

"Sometimes I think I was too." I tell him honestly as he squeezes my hand.

"Love you Kat." He says after kissing my forehead.

"Love you too." I mumble as he gets up.

"Let me go get the food." He says before walking away. My phone rings as Bryans name flashes on the screen causing me to roll my eyes. I pick up with a slight laugh.

"Yeah." I answer as my brother sighs.

"Please tell me there's no baby making going on." he almost begs as I roll my eyes.

"I'm kinda busy right now Bryan, can I call you back?" I ask as Max arrives with food.

"Oh God." he mumbles as I laugh.

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