Chapter Twenty-Six: Warped :>

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 26


“Katherine! If you don't get up, I swear to God I'll hurt you!” Max's voice spoke as I groaned and turned around. I was suddenly on the floor of my bedroom with Max straddling me as he smacked me with a pillow a few dozen times. I caught the pillow with a glare at my best friend.

“This reminds me to much of the old times.” I mumble with a sigh. I used to live with Sam and Max before I meet my ex, and this was basically our daily routine.

“Warped Tour starts in an hour and it takes us forty five minutes to get there so hurry.” Max tells me as I sigh and get off the floor. Max was eager to get back to old environment. Eager to be back around the giant crowds, mosh pits, and screaming fans. I dressed in some high waisted denim shorts with a white vans warped tour shirt from the year the guys played. I put on my vans and threw my hair into a ponytail before adding some mascara, eyeliner and chap stick.

“Will you be okay Sam?” I ask as she nods.

“I got season one threw four of True Blood, I'm fine.” she said smiling. Max kissed her before grabbing his keys and pushing me out the door. We grabbed some Starbucks and some apples pies from McDonald’s before heading out.

“Nick and Jess meeting us there?” I asked Max. He nodded as he turned on Pandora from his phone. The first song was Adam's Song by Blink 182. We sang along as I got on twitter. At the red light I took a quick pick of Max smiling along with me.

On the way to Warped with the bestie, @max_the_ripper! Woot Woot! xD #BestDayEver.” The tweet was soon being retweeted and favorited by fans. Why did I have some many followers? Mainly because of my brother's, but my modeling got me some to. I noticed a lot of people replied and I smiled when a notification came in.

@MiniMoney Come by our show! Maybe you could show the world your voice.” Ben tweeted as I laugh. Guess who picked my twitter name? Ronnie. It had to be Ronnie.

Sure thing Baby Ben :D.” Ireplied quickly before my phone rang.

“Hello.” I answered putting it on speaker, not checking the ID.

“Hey Kat, you coming out to watch your best friend perform?” Andy asked me as I laugh.

“Sorry Biersack, the title is taken.” Max says from beside me as he pulls into the venue.

“Sure.” Andy drawls out as I laugh.

“I'll go look for your booth right after we get in.” I tell Andy.

“You guys have your tickets yet?”Andy asked.

“No, we have to wait in line.” I tell him.

“Alright go towards the gate where all the buses are at, I'll meet you there. Sure beats the lines.” Andy tells me before he hangs up.

“Let's go.” Max mumbles as we get off the car.

“Kat!” Jessica yells as she sees me.

“I thought I was going to be alone with these two idiots!” She said as she hugged me closely. I laughed as I hugged her back.

“Now what kind of friend would I be if I did that?” I ask her.

“A horrible one.” She mummers honestly making me laugh. We walk towards the buses and sure enough Andy stands there, a girl under his arm, the guys behind him. He talks to the security who nods and lets us in.

“Here.” The security mumbles handing us some VIP passes. I smiled at him before turning to the guys.

“My boys.” I say with a smile.

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