Chapter Eleven: Mila.

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Mike's P.O.V.

Chapter 11


"Kat get up!" I yelled trying to wake he up she sat up with a glare slapped me then laid back down. This little.

"Kat, you said you'd watch the show tonight!" I muttered, the truth was I didn't want her in the bus by herself when it was parked in some back alley. She got up with a groan and jumped off of the bunk while glaring at me.

"I hate you." She muttered glaring at me.

"Sorry." I muttered with a shoulder shrug. She puked again as I sat on the couch.

"Is she okay?" Craig asked me.

"I don't know." I muttered looking towards the back of the bus. Kat walked towards us her face twisted in pain.

"You okay?" I asked.

"It's my side, it's been bothering me." She said with a sigh.

"Guy's head to the stage." Omar said as he poked his head into the bus. We nodded as we got up. Morgan and Kat walking behind us slowly. TJ kept looking back quickly and played it off as if it never happened. We all knew he liked her, though he hadn't admitted it yet. I didn't mind, but once he hurts her I'll have his ass on a golden plate. We tuned the guitars quickly as Robert twisted his drum sticks in his hand's looking over at Morgan every now and then.

"Five minute's." Omar shouted at us. We all got up and walked to the stage. You easily get pumped up with everyone shouting your name, the crowd's energy soon get's to you. TJ jumped up and down along with Craig as Robert hit his drum sticks against the wall a few times. Kat was leaning against the wall with a slight smile as Morgan sat on the floor looking at us with a smirk.

"Go, go, go." Omar muttered. We walked out and the crowd went wild. The first song was Ungrateful and at the first few beats the crowd was in mayhem. I smiled as TJ motioned for them to get louder which they sure seemed to do. After another two song's, One For The Money & You're Insane, the crowd was still pumped. They jumped around and started a mosh pit when we played The Aftermath. My eyes shot to the side of the stage where Morgan was walking to Kat who looked in pain. Omar stood with them along with Nel. I focused on the song for a bit before looking towards Kat again. Omar's eyes meet mine and he shot me a look to get over there. I walked towards Brian as we played a bit more.

"Take over." I muttered. He nodded as he easily was able to play both part's of the guitar. We each had learned both part's for in case anything bad ever happened. I easily slipped back stage again and took off the guitar in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" I asked Omar.

"We don't know, but we should take her to the hospital." He told me. I nodded as my eyes landed on her. I grabbed her and pulled her towards me. She was pale and she was starting to shiver. Craig said something about a break before they where all backstage. Kat let out a small groan as I looked down at her.

"We have to take her to the hospital." I muttered.

"Alright, so we cancel?" Robert asked.

"No, keep going." Kat managed to say. I picked her up into my arms as he body seemed to give out.

"Morgan, drive." I muttered. She grabbed the key's from my pocket as she motioned Nel to go along with her.

"Guy's you have to go back out." Omar told them. I walked towards the car and slid in the back Kat still in my arm's.

"Hurry up Mor." I muttered. She stepped down on the gas and speed down the street's taking sharp turn's.

"Don't kill her before she get's there." I growled at her.

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