Chapter Thirty-One: Crowning The Undeads.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 31


“I said one, two, three, take my hand and come with me, because you look so fine that I really want to make you mine!” Craig and I sang at their rehearsal. They had gotten bored and we started belting out the lyrics until the whole band had joined in along with the girl's who didn't have mics.

“I say you look so fine that I really want to make you mine!” Gaby and Morgan sang.

“Oh four, five, six c'mon and get your kick's, now you don't need that money when you look like that do you honey?” I sang as Omar walked in threw the doors. I jumped off stage and ran towards him.

“Big black boot's!” TJ belted out.

“Long blonde hair.” Robert sang with a wink at Morgan.

“She's so sweet!” Bryan said.

“With her get back stare!” Omar sang making me smile.

“Well I could see you, home with me.” Mike sang

“But you were with another man, yeah!” Morgan sang loudly.

“I know we, ain't got much to say.” Craig sang to Gaby.

“Before I let you get away, yeah!” Gaby sang back

“I said, are you gonna be my girl?” Leila sang along.

“Oh yeah, oh yeah, c'mon!” Robert yelled.

“I could see, you home with me.” TJ sang

“But you were with another man, yeah!” Omar sang along.

“I know we ain't got much to say.” I sang.

“Before I let you get away, yeah!” Craig sang

“Uh, be my girl.” Robert said.

“Be my girl.” TJ said.

“Are you gonna be my girl? Yeah!” We all sang as Robert did a drum roll causing us all to laugh.

“They weren't kidding when they said Kat could sing.” Omar mumbled.

“Doubting me aren't we Omar?” I asked as I fell back onto the couch.

“Always.” He said with a smirk.

“Dick.” I growled.

“Down girl.” Omar mumbled causing me to stand up off the couch quickly. Craig held me back as Omar laughed.

“Alright the other bands get here in twenty so practice up.” Omar tells them.

“Yeah, yeah.” the guys mumble as they set up their stuff. I was singing lightly as I replied back to Max when the door bust open.

“Guess who's back!” A voice yelled loudly causing me to turn towards the double doors to the six guys who stood in shorts and t-shirts.

“Undead's.” Morgan mumbled as Jorel aka J-Dog dropped his bag loudly.

“Kat?” Jordan (Charlie Scene) asked looking shocked. I waved with a smile as he laughed.

“What happened to no more touring?” He asked with a laugh.

“You'll say that too when you break your fucking foot.” I mumble as he laughs.

“Come here.” He says as he waves me over. I jump off the stage and walk towards the guys.

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