Chapter Thirty: Vídeo Chat

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 30


"Younow?" I ask Morgan. and Gaby who nod quickly. I log in quickly before tweeting the news and see the girls doing the same. We where currently sitting in my hotel room, the one I share with TJ. The guys where practicing and meeting Hollywood Undead and the other bands as we sat bored out of our minds. Over three thousand people where waiting as we put the laptop in front of us.

"Hey guys." I said happy into the camera.

"Hello." Morgan chirped.

"Hey." Gaby drawled out with a smile as comments came in.

"Alright guys let me read the comments here." Gaby said looking towards the box on the side.

"Show off your baby bump." Gaby read.

"I think they just want to see you naked." Morgan mused with a smirk.

"Who wouldn't?" I asked as Gaby stood up and stepped back. She turned around displaying her bump to the world. Comments came in as I tried to read them.

"Gender?" I ask Gaby though I already know the answer.

"It's a boy!" she sang smiling as she looked towards the comment box.

"No we don't have a name, sorry guys." She said with a frown as I spun around in my rolling chair.

"I think Boy is a cool name." I mutter.

"Boy? Kat are you serious?" Morgan asks me as I nod.

"Remind not to let you name your child while drugged, you're already bad enough." Morgan says as I laugh.

"So Morgan any news you need to share?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

"Maybe..." she trails off as comments usher her to spill her news.

"Let's just say Gaby ain't the only one pregnant." She said with a wink.

"And no, you won't know who the father is anytime soon." Morgan said with a laugh.

"Alright questions?" I ask as the door opens. We turn around to see TJ standing there.

"What you girls up to?" He asked us as he looked towards us.

"Video chat, say hi Teej." Gaby said smiling.

"Hey guys." TJ said as he collapsed on the bed. I smiled at him before turning back to the camera.

"Alright back to the questions." I say as I look threw the comment box.

"One at a time people..." Morgan trailed off.

"Are Kat and Max together again?" Gaby asked laughing.

"Again?" TJ asked sitting up from the bed. I looked towards him with a shy smile.

"This question pops up to damn much." Morgan mumbled. We laughed as I spun around in my chair once.

"Uh no Max and I are done with, for good. No more romance for us." I said.

"No more, did I miss something?" TJ asked from behind us. The girls laughed loudly until Gaby shot up.

"I have to pee." She sang as she ran towards the bathroom.

"Are you with someone?" Morgan read the question.

"She is, I'm not." I mumbled.

"Kat's single as a pringle." Morgan sang with a smirk. TJ mumbled something as I rolled my eyes.

"What happened to Austin?" I read before I sighed.

"We broke it off, uh it was for the best though. I mean I will always love him and he will always be very special to me, but shit happens man." I said with a small smile.

"Amen." Morgan said laughing.

"Guys I'm hungry." Gaby said walking towards us.

"Me too." Morgan mumbled.

"Pregnant women man, we ate like five hours ago! You guys both raided the fridge!" I exclaimed.

"Hello baby." Gaby mumbled pointing to her stomach.

"Alright uh three more questions." I say with a smile.

"Did Kat really stay with Andy Sixx two weeks?" A comment asked.

"Well yeah I toured with them during Warped for a week, uh got to see Vegas again it was cool being with them in a city I love, and no nothing happened between us. That chapter is also done with." I say laughing slightly.

"How did Craig and Gaby meet?" Morgan read wiigling her eyebrows causing me to laugh.

"Kat actually introduced us. It was before he was in Escape The Fate, you know back in the Blessthefall days and I was already friends with Kat. Then they had a concert with both bands and since Kat had meet Craig various times before because of Max she introduced us and the rest is history." Gaby said smiling.

"Then she got pregnant." Morgan mumbled bluntly making me smile as Gaby glared at her.

"Shut it blondie." Gaby growled.

"Next question." I said loudly as I looked threw the comments.

"Morgan, how did you and Kat meet?" I read with a small smile.

"Oh God." TJ mumbled from behind us.

"This gotta be good." He said as Morgan flicked him off.

"Uh well we where actually at a party in tenth grade, during school hours, don't do that kids and Kat was arguing with her ex boyfriend." Morgan stated.

"We weren't together." I clarified as Gaby smiled.

"Anyway, he got mad and raised his hand ready to hit her and I got pretty angry and pushed him into the water. He got out of the pool soaking wet and pissed the fuck off and started yelling and clenching his fist. Then along came Max who was with Kat at the time and basically beat the shit out of him with Ronnie's help and yeah we're here now so I take that as a good sign." Morgan said smiling as I laughed.

"Don't go out with a guy just because he has a cool car." I warned as the girls laughed.

"That's why you started dating him!" Gaby asked shocked.

"Hell yeah, I wasn't about to walk home in Vegas weather." I said with a laugh.

"What about your brothers?" Morgan asked.

"They where dick's man, they pretended not to know me and let me walk alone while they gave their friends rides. Thank God I had Max, Ronnie and you." I told her as she laughed.

"Ronnie and Max where both seniors by the way." Morgan mumbled.

"They failed a grade." I muttered under my breath.

"Alright that's it for today guys, see you later." Gaby said smiling as she waved at the camera. She shut it off then closed the laptop.

"McDonald's?" She asked causing me to laugh.

"Sure." I mumbled getting up ang grabbing my bag.

"Bye Teej." Gaby said as she walked out of the room.

"Bye Bell." Morgan said quickly as she followed Gaby.

"See you tonight." I tell him as I close the door behind me. First night of the tour, let the fun begin.


Sorry for the tardiness, got lazy... opps. Vote and comment guys. And go check out my new story with @Morgan_Bailey! This chapter is dedicated to the account it's posted on.

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