Chapter Nine: You're Insane.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 9


The next day I woke up with my hair reaching up so it ended right under my boob. To say I was mad was a freaking understatement. My hair once reached past my waist and I felt empty without the long lock of hair that was missing. TJ Bell will be the death of me. Today the guys where filming the video for You're Insane and we where currently getting read to go to the shoot.

"Your lucky you have a shoot today other wise your face wouldn't be that pretty." I growled towards TJ. He laughed at me as we got towards the van.

"I'd like to see you try." He muttered. I turned to look at him an eyebrow raised. I was about to walk towards him when Mike stood in front of me.

"Car now." Mike muttered. I glared at TJ as he laughed. That boy was lucky that Mike had held me back. Other wise he wouldn't have a cute face to be able to bang all those chic's, cause trust me, he didn't get girls with his charm. Craig was in the driver's seat. Mike next to him, Bryan and TJ where in the second row of seats, Morgan and Robert in the third and Leila laid on my lap as we sat in the back. I played lightly with her hair as she snored. Like father like daughter. It took a while to get there, but we finally we did.

"Shit." I muttered as I got out of the car. I hugged my jacket closer to me as I shivered slightly. Why the fuck was it so cold? It was freaking March! I bounced lightly as I looked around. I let out of the breath and could see the puff of air in front of me.

"Cold?" TJ asked with a smirk. I glared at him as I flicked him off. He laughed as he walked off to a small trailer where the guys where getting dressed. I was holding Leila against me tightly. If I was cold imagine this poor little soul. She only had her PJ's on, part of the video shoot, so I easily took off my jacket and threw it over her. The guys eventually finished with their wardrobe and when Craig saw me we walked over.

"Go grab my jacket, it's bigger." He told me. I smiled at him as I looked down at the sleeping girl in my arms. I stood up as I walked to the trailer where Morgan sat with the girls.

"What happened to your hair?" Lina asked me.

"TJ." I muttered as I laid Leila down. She shook her head as she dragged me to the chair.

"Let me fix it." She muttered spraying my hair with water. TJ had left it pretty choppy and it looked pretty fucked. Lina sure knew how to do miracles though, I mean look at the guys. By the end my hair was in layer's and formed a V at the bottom.

"Thanks Lina." I said with a smile. She smiled back as someone knocked on the door.

"Wake up Leila, her part comes up soon. Nice hair." Craig said as he peeked threw. I smiled as I shook Leila up. I shrugged on Craig's jacket and picked her up.

"Time to act." I told her. She smiled warmly as Morgan got up off the seat. Leila had a few scenes in the video that where actually filmed in the desert and she did pretty well if you ask me. By the end Leila was shivering. I gave her the jacket once again and sat on a chair outside now that the trailer was gone. The only warm places left where two smaller trailers where equipment was stored and the van which the guys all had claimed for their ten minute break. Mike brought us into the van eventually Morgan got the second to last row by herself, Leila in the back laying down, TJ And Robert in the third row, Mike and Bryan in the second. I was in the passenger's seat and Craig was recording.

"Fuck this basically." Robert muttered to us. I rolled my eyes.

"This girl right here is gonna get sued if my hair looks bad." Robert said pointing at Morgan. She looked at him her eyes going wide.

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