Chapter Thirty-Two: Holy Crap.

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Kat's P.O.V.
Chapter 32

"Congrats guys, you're having twins!" The nurse said with enthusiasm and a big smile. Eyes widened as mouths dropped open.
"Holy crap." Morgan and I exclaimed at the same time as tears welled in her eyes. Michal and Bryan stayed still taking in the news as a loud thud sound threw out the room. We turned our head do the side to see Robert laying on the floor completely passed out. I started trying to wake him up along with Bryan as Mike tried to calm a wailing Morgan. A few nurses walked in and took Robert away as we called Morgan down.
"Stupid pregnancy hormones." She mumbles as the nurse laughs.
"Would you like to see the gender?" The nurse asks as Morgan nods wiping a stay tear. The nurse then lifts up Morgan shirt, a maternity one she had gotten only a week ago, and squeezed some blue jelly onto Morgans stomach. Morgans hand clutched on to mine tightly as the nurse moved the machine around Morgans stomach.
"Wow." The nurse mumbled.
"What's wrong?" Morgan asked a worried expression on her face as she squeezed my hand, tears streaming down her cheek.
"Oh nothing dear is just a very rare sight." The nurse says with a laugh.
"A good one right?" Bryan asks her as she nods.
"The babies are in separate bags, meaning they'll most likely be fraternal." She tells us.
"Cool." Mike mumbles.
"Are they girls?" Morgan asks smiling.
"Partially, one boy, one girl. A rare sight indeed." The nurse mumbles wiping the jelly off of Morgans stomach and helping her up.
"Alright, we'll see you in two weeks Morgan." They nurse says with a smile as I help her off the table. The guys go check on Robert while Morgan and I walk to the car. The guys had one week off of tour and they used it to an advantage. TJ sat in the car talking on the phone laughing.
"Alright, I'll call you later. Bye." He says as I hear a feminine voice says bye before he hangs up. Morgan shot me a look that said.
"Who is he taking to?" As I shrugged not knowing the answer. The guys showed up moments later with Robert.
"I told you it was a boy." Robert shouted at Morgan as she rolled her eyes.
"And I told you it was a girl." Morgan snapped back.
"Wait both!" TJ exclaimed looking at us with wide eyes.
"Yup." We all say at the same time a he laughs.
"Good luck with that." TJ mumbles as Morgan glares at him.
"We could do it." She protested as Mike starts up the car.
"Keep telling yourself that." TJ mumbles as she let's out a breath.
"I'm done with you TJ." She says as she lays back. I roll my eyes at the two as the argue the whole way back to the hotel. I walk threw the hotel doors and am immediately thrown into a hug.
"Kat." The familiar voice says as I'm pulled into a hug.
"Austin." I say back as I hug him.
"Andy mentioned you where back." Austin tells me as Morgan waddles towards us.
"Hey Duncan." She says with a smile.
"Whoa, who knocked you up?" Austin asks with a laugh as he hugs her.
"That would be the tall one with the afro styled hair." I inform him as he nods.
"Ah, so any other news?" Austin asks me as we walk slowly behind the rest of the group.
"Uh, Craig and Max both got their girls knocked up, I feel off the stage the other day and yeah... That's probably it." I tell him as he nods.
"Let me guess you where dancing again?" Austin asked while laughing.
"Maybe... But in my defense they had just moped. I was just being an idiot, like always." I mumble as he laughs.
"Leave it to you Kat, and may I remind you, you are a beautiful idiot." He tells me as he pokes my cheek and I smile.
"Well thank you, you're a pretty fine dude yourself." I tell him as I bump my hips with his causing him to trip slightly. We laugh before I jump onto his back.
"Run!" I yell at him as he hitches me up and runs. He quickly runs past all the guys in the band and passed the Hollywood Undead guys and soon caught up with the boys from Crown The Empire. He let me go swiftly before he grabbed my hand making sure I didn't fall. Before we knew it it was show time and Crown The Empire was last to play.
"This song was actually written by Austin our ex keyboardist and Kat a pretty close friend of ours." David says as the crown cheers.
"Some of you may remember Kat, she sings in Voices and performed at Warped Tour with us, so tonight we're bringing her back out!" Andy exclaims as I turn around and start walking away but Derek, the guys manager, quickly stops me.
"Derek, I swear if you don't let me go I will punch you." I warn as he laughs.
"You've done it before, I won't mind." Derek mumbles as I grumble words under my breath. Ben walks towards us and thanks Derek for holding me down before he picks me up and walks to the stage and pops me next to Andy.
"Give her a round of applause." Andy says as he hands me a mic and the rest of the guys get off of stage except for Ben who now sports a acoustic guitar and Austin who sits by a key board. I motion David over and make sue he gets a Mic for both Austin and Ben before I look towards Austin and nod. He smiles at me before playing the first few notes. I still remember first writing the song with Austin as the guys grew frustrated when they needed a new song. We stayed up all night writing and editing and fixing the song while shining soda and stuffing our mouths with snacks until about nine when we both knocked out of sleep deprivation. We where both single at the time and still taught of each other as friends.
" It's not quite a mystery.
I'm the one who's insecure,
you're the one that makes believe,
that we're all okay, we're doing fine,
when we're both fighting just to stay, to stay alive,
a fragile state of mind,
that I can't quite survive." I sang

"Without a doubt, I need your help.
I know you've heard me ask before,
but come on girl, I need to tell you now,
I know what I've done wrong." Austin sings

"The only way out of here is the way I've avoided for all my life.
There's so many things I wanna say,
but there's too many things still in the way.
I'm lost, please help me find my place.
You're the only one, please lead me out of the dark.
Please lead me out of the dark.
Please lead me out of the dark." Ben chourses after Austin. 

"I'm moving on, I'll promise change,
if you will let me in again, I swear today,
I'll be a better man.
I'll be who I was then." I sing

"It's been a long two years,
I can't change the past,
I've shed so many tears,
Can't believe I've lasted this long.
I see now that I'm wrong." Both guys sing in unsion.

"The only way out of here is the way I've avoided for all my life." I sing carrying on the last note.
"There's so many things I wanna say,
but there's too many things still in the way." Ben sang.

"I'm lost, please help me find my place.

You're the only one, please lead me out of the dark.
Please lead me out of the dark." We finished singing in harmony as the crowd claps.  Andy walks out and says goodbye as we exit off stage
"You did great." Austin tells me as I smile.
"Not so bad yourself Duncan." I tell him as we make our way threw the back of the stage. He found the guys as they went out for signings and I walked back towards my room. TJ sat on the bed watching TV as I walked threw the door.
"Hey Kat." He says as I lay down next to him.
"Hey Bell." I mumble as I snuggle into him.
"You should hit the hay babe, we head out tomorrow for another city." TJ says as I nod.
"I like that idea." I mumble before I fall asleep against his chest.
"You did great by the way babe." TJ whispers as I smile.
"Thanks Teej." I mumble before I fall asleep to the steady beating of his chest.


Sorry for being so late guys, no internet. This is more of a filler and yeah it'll get interesting soon, promise. Vote and stuff and yeah, bye.

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