Chapter Three: Puking and Piercings.

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Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 3


I woke up and immediately felt my stomach churn. What the fuck? I let out a groan as my head started turning. I turned to see if Morgan still lay in her bunk which was directly across from mine. Her bunk was surprisingly empty. I checked my phone to see it was about to be nine. I threw my legs over the bunk and checked Mike's bunk. His was directly above mine. Robert's was above Morgan's and Bryan's was the one right next to mine TJ's above his. Craig's was across from TJ's and the one under his usually was empty. I checked all of the bunks to see they where all empty. I walked towards the bus door and out side. I had a pair of sweats and a v neck on. I had slipped on some van's and grabbed my black slip on hoodie. The crew was out and about setting up stages and booths.

"You alright?" Omar asked me handing me a coffee, Starbucks. I shrugged my shoulder's as I stirred the coffee.

"The boy's?" I asked him.

"Around here somewhere." He muttered looking around the area.

"Good luck finding them." I muttered as I sniffed in the scent of the hot cup of Joe. Instead of steadying my stomach it seemed to upset it more. I set the coffee down on a nearby table before grabbing the trash can, turning around and puking up a clear gooey substance.

"I'll find Mike." Omar muttered setting his coffee down and walking away before I got to argue. I let out a groan as another wave of nausea hit me making more vomit come out of my mouth. I wiped my mouth with a napkin a crew member was holding out to me, Ruby was her name. A petite girl with fiery red hair and big brown eyes. I smiled at her just as I heard Mike's voice from behind me.

"You okay Kat?" He asked as I heard him approach.

"Peachy." I muttered sarcastically. He chuckled as he looked at me.

"You look pale as fuck." He told me.

"More then usual?" Bryan asked him sounding worried. I couldn't see the rest of the guy's, Mike was blocking my view.

"Yup." Mike muttered. Craig's head popped up from over Mike's shoulder. I could tell he was standing on hit tippy toes, we all knew he was pretty short.

"I thought you where white before." He commented. I was the white one in the family, pale skin and colored eyes. I swear I'm adopted. I rolled my eyes at his comment with a sarcastic smile playing on my lips. My stomach churned and I turned around quickly puling again into the trashcan. I groaned before taking a swig of water and swishing it around my mouth before spitting it out. Morgan easily pushed threw the guys before handing me another water bottle and two aspirins.

"Probably should of done that." Mike muttered. I was suddenly tired again.

"Get her to sleep, she need's it." Craig told Mike. Mike easily lifted me into his arm being the loving brother he is. I'm pretty sure I knocked out before we even got to the bus.

"Kat, you think you could work the merch table?" Mike asked me hesitantly as we watched TV. I nodded and looked at Morgan asking her silently if she would work with me. She nodded with a smile before she kept texting.

"Kat, what do you do when you don't tour?" TJ asked me.

"Uh, model, act, whatever I can." I answered.

"What have you acted in?" He asked.

"Commercials, guest stars, music videos. Morgan and I have been doing it since we where about fifteen." I told him.

"So you guys have money?" He asked.

"Who do you think payed for the bus?" I muttered. Yeah after we burned down the bus we had to pay for the new one, but hey it's way better the the first one. Right now we where in a rental bus, but the official one was way cooler, and had bigger bunks. I pulled of my hoodie and let out a sigh as the cool air hit my now bare arms.

"Since when do you have that?" TJ asked motioning to the tattoo.

"A while." I muttered. It was a line of black birds that went up my arm and stopped at my wrist.

"Is that all?" He asked. I slowly shook me head. I had tons of tattoo's.

"She's pretty tatted up." Mike commented glaring at me.

"He doesn't like the idea of me having tattoo's." I told TJ.

"I like them." Bryan commented. Craig nodded along with Robert. Mike sighed as I smiled.

"Piercing's?" TJ asked.

"Uh, I used to have the viper and the septum. I had the Ashley, I have the collar and the back dimple. Oh and the wrist one." I told him holding up my hand.

"How didn't I see that?" He asked. I shrugged as Mike looked over the piercing.

"When did you get that?" He asked.

"Uh. Morgan?" I asked.

"Last month." She muttered looking down at her phone.

"Hey did the piercing scar?" Morgan asked looking up at me.

"No slight scar." I said with a pout. Bryan raised an eyebrow and I leaned in closer and pointed at where my viper used to be.

"Got in a fight, it tore." I said with a smirk.

"She whopped the girl's ass though." Morgan muttered with a smirk. I nodded with a smile.

"I tore her gauge." I told the guys. Craig winced and I smiled.

"Yeah so I now have a slight scar. Oh and a slight scar from the Ashley piercing." I told them.

"How did that happen?" They asked.

"Ask Morgan." I said with a glare. She squirmed before hiding her head behind Robert.

"Kat did the cover for Dying Is Your Latest Fashion." Robert said with a smile changing subjects. I nodded with a smirk as my phone vibrated and I saw I had a new message from Max.

"Meet me outside. :>."


Sorry! X> Dedicated to the wonderful girls who commented. @BeingMexoxo @Fuuck_YourPrettyFace & @tOrllOvEsYoU2799 ! Love you guys! Peircing on the side! I want one lol.

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