Chapter Forty-Eight: Double Trouble.

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Robert's P.O.V.

Chapter 48.


I pulled my car up on the curve of the sidewalk before parking and getting off rushing over to Kat's side helping her with all her luggage.

"Uncle Rob!" Ayden yelled loudly as I smile at him.

"Hey kid, how you doing?" I ask as I grab another bag and toss it into the back of my car.

"I'm hungry! Are the babies here yet uncle Rob?" Ayden asks as I close the trunk and pick him up.

"Not yet kid." I tell him as I set him down on the seat as Kat leans over and fastens his seat belt. They had just got back from California after doing God knows what and I came to pick them up from the airport. I sighed as I drove down the familiar streets of Vegas towards the neatest McDonald's. It's been about a week since Gaby gave birth and we were on break for the next three weeks. Morgan and I came back to Vegas along with the Money brothers. Craig and Gaby were driving down here today along with TJ who I still didn't talk to, Craig and Omar seem to be the only ones that talk to him. Kat and I joked around the whole way home, well to her house, where Max, Tia, Brandy and Morgan where all at. Brandy was probably the coolest friend Kat ever had, besides Morgan of course. She was a calm ass person who hated TJ, which made her an immediate friend in my point of view. Max was the first person out of the house, followed by his cousin then my new best friend then of course Morgan.

"Dad!" Ayden yells loudly as he runs to Max who immediately scoops his son into his arms. My eyes shot to Kat who was smiling at the sight. She mumbled something under her breath before grabbing one of her bags. We hauled her bags inside before everyone greeted each other.  I watched as Max and Kat talked lowly before Kat glared at him.

"Well excuse me for caring." he growls at her before standing and exciting the room. Kat got up and follows after him as Ayden stares after them.

"What's wrong?" he asks sadly.

"Nothing kiddo." I mumble as I shake his hair.  It seems to take forever before they return both looking lost.

"Max, how was Kat when she was pregnant?" Morgan asks trying to get rid of the tension in the air.

"Crazy, like always." he answers as she laughs.

"She was tiny, didn't look pregnant till she was six months along. She looked like Gaby did five months ago when she gave birth." Max tells us as I look towards Kat.

"Holy shit, you were tiny." I mumbled as she nods.

"Lucky ass." Morgan growls lowly as she shifts in her seat. I smile slightly before I put my hand on her stomach. One of the two kicks right away as I kiss Morgan's head and start to draw circles on her large stomach.

"That delivery must of been interesting." Brandi said as Max and Kat both nod.

"When her water broke we were in the movie theaters, Ronnie was freaking out the most and the crowd was looking at us like we were insane." Max tells us as Kat smiles.

"Some people were looking at us and asking if it was part of the movie." Kat says with a slight laugh.

"Johnny was driving like a mad man the whole way there and almost started a police chase." Kat tells us as we all laugh.

"Stupid doctors didn't let me into the room until I told them I was the father, eventually all three of us where in there." Max mumbled as I laughed slightly.

"Johnny passed out, Ronnie was escorted out and Max was the only one there in the end." Kat says as I roll my eyes.

"And then a midget got tazored in the hallway." Max says which causes everyone to laugh loudly. We laughed so hard that Morgan actually pissed herself.

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