Chapter Twenty-Five: Moment.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 25


I sighed as I mixed the pancake batter quickly. I woke up at five in the fucking morning! Why was I awake? I had no fucking clue. My body told me to wake up and guess what? I did. I started flipping pancakes as I listened to my Ipod. I was listening to My Chemical Romance, yup throwback Thursday. Max was the first down, he probably smelled the food. He smiled as he hugged me before he went to wake up his girlfriend. It was the last week of the guys break. The started working the twenty fourth, it was the twentieth. Craig and Robert soon showed up followed by Mike, Morgan, Gaby, TJ and Leila.

"Thanks Kat." the guys chorused as I chuckled lowly.

"So have you and Austin talked?" Samie asked me. The guys where caught up in their conversation as Sam, Gaby, Morgan, Leila and I talked.

"Nope, she's been talking to Andy lately." Morgan said with a smirk as she looked at me.

"You've been talking to Andy!" Gaby asked snapping the guys out of their conversation.

"Smooth." Samie mumbled.

"Smooth." Leila copied as I smiled.

"Your ex." Mike mumbled.

"He has a girlfriend. I wouldn't do that." I mumbled. They stayed quite until Max stepped in.

"You want to go to Warped tour with me?" He asked me.

"When?" I asked.

"Twenty third, It was going to be Nick, Jess, Sam and me, but I don't think it'd be such a good idea for Samie to be there." Max told me as I nodded. Craig got up, followed by Gaby who picked up Leila only to have her snatched out of her hands by Craig.

"Where going to go visit my mom." Craig said as I smiled. I had meet his mom a numerous amount of times. His younger sister was usually out. Soon the whole house was empty except for me and TJ. Holy shit.

"You think they planned this?" TJ asked me as we watched Morgan and Robert leave.

"Oh yeah." I mumble with a sigh as I turn and walk back into the house. Max and Samie had to go look for a new apartment, already getting ready for the baby. Mike and Bryan had gone to some interview with AP Magazine and Robert and Morgan had gone to some lake. We sat in silence until TJ spoke.

"Max told me about your trust issues." He tells me as I look at him.

"Max and you talked, and you don't have a new bruise. Impossible." I mumbled as he glared.

"I could of hurt him." He said defensively.

"Sure." I mumble with a smirk.

"He also told me why you had the trust issues." TJ told me as I froze. Why would he tell him that? No body ever talked about it. At all. It was a no go for the band. I looked down as I felt the sofa shift.

"Have you ever heard the saying 'Don't let your past define your future'"? He asked me as I shake my head no.

"Don't let it get to you." He whispered.

"I think your a better councilor, then me." I mumble lowly as he raises an eyebrow.

"Insider." I mumble as I notice how close we are to each other. I try scooting back but he quickly stop's me.

"Don't." He mumbles as he leans in slowly. I didn't know what to do as he leaned closer. So I just sat there and waited for it to happen. His lips connected with mine, but instead of pushing him off like I usually did, I pulled him closer. Our lips moved in sync as his arms wrapped around my waist tightly. You know that moment when everything changes? The moment where you no longer resent the guy in front of you. Where all of a sudden, the guy that you pushed away for so long, is suddenly not that bad. That was this moment. This very moment that changed our relationship. It all changed when I pulled him closer. I'm not sure it's a good thing, but fuck it.

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