Chapter Sixteen: Austin

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Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 16


"Alright, Craig get's his own room. Mike and I will share. Morgan and Robert and Kat you get stuck with TJ." Bryan said with a smirk.

"Nice one Bryan." I said sarcastically. He smirked as my phone rang.

"Hello." I answered not bothering to look at the contact.

"Hey babe." The all to familiar voice of my boyfriend spoke.

"Why hello to you to." I said with a smile. I hadn't talked to him since I was with the boys from Falling In Reverse.

"How you doing?" He asked me. My eyes shot to Morgan as she smiled.

"I'm fine." I spoke looking up at the guys.

"Your brother's there?" Austin guessed easily.

"Smart ass." I muttered as he laughed.

"I'll call you later then babe." He said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"You do that. Bye love." I spoke.

"Bye." He sang before he hung up.

"Tin Tin?" Morgan guessed.

"Yup." I said with a smile.

"Who's Tin Tin?" Mike asked.

"Crap! Morgan do you want me dead?" I asked her as she laughed.

"Nope." She sang with a smile.

"It's Austin, but she calls him Tin Tin. He's my boyfriend." I said with a smile though the guys all looked annoyed yet again.

"He's one of her few boyfriends that I like." Morgan said as I nodded.

"Beside him Andy and Alec." I muttered.

"Whats up with you and A's?" Morgan asked me.

"I got no clue." I muttered. It was awkwardly silent around us until I saw Gaby and Leila walking towards us.

"Hey look Gaby!" I shouted before running towards her.

"You just saved my ass." I whispered in her ear as I hugged her tightly. She laughed as I bent down and picked up Leila spinning her around.

"How's my favorite niece?" I asked her. She giggled before nodding a yes as she saw Craig. She let out a yelp as she scurried out of my arms.

"What you do this time?" Gaby asked me as Craig picked up Leila.

"They just found out about Austin." I muttered as she laughed. The guys all said Hi to her as Craig kissed her.

"Ew." Leila and TJ said at the same time as I rolled my eyes.

"So Austin, the same guy you mentioned yesterday?" Bryan asked me.

"Yeah." I said with a small smile.

"I thought you had gone out with him, keyword had." Bryan said with a pointed look.

"We had broken up." I told him.

"For like a week." Morgan muttered as I threw my water bottle at her.

"Ow." She yelled with a glare.

"Guys calm down Austin's a good kid." Gaby said with a sigh.

"Ha." I muttered sticking my tongue out at the guys.

"You meet him!" The guys exclaimed.

"Anybody else hungry?" Craig asked trying to change the subject. At least I got one guy on my side.

"We're meeting this kid." Bryan grumbled to Mike as the four guys walked away.

"Don't worry Kat, I got your back. He's a cool guy." Craig muttered as he hugged me before he walked to Gaby and Leila. Craig meet him once while we where backstage at an Attack Attack concert. They where good friends with Crown The Empire. Austin and I had meet because of Morgan and David (Her now Ex boyfriend.) We didn't start dating until a little bit before Morgan and David hit one year. He left Crown The Empire, but still helps them with production, lyrics, etc. They all still are good friends and he's touring with them next month at Warped. Morgan and I raced down the hallway until I heard an all to familiar voice causing me to turn around.

"Austin?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Why so surprised?" He asked as I ran towards him. I jumped into his arms as he spun me around my legs wrapping around his waist. He set me down as he kissed me, me smiling against his lips the whole time.

"Guy's I'm still here." Morgan mused from behind us. Austin laughed as he pulled away.

"How did you get here?" I asked him.

"Thank the blonde." Austin muttered as I looked towards Morgan. She curtsied as I smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you." I kept repeating as I kissed her cheek.

"Ew, Duncan germ's." She said as she wiped her cheek.

"You love it." Austin teased as he pulled me towards him. I laughed as he kissed my forehead.

"My room? I have my X box." Austin mused. Me and Morgan looked at each other before nodding.

"I get the gray remote." I said with a smile as Austin bent down so I could get on his back. His room was on the same level as our just the opposite way. We sat playing Black Ops, though Austin was winning as Morgan and I tried to figure out how to work the remote. Austin laughed as we kept yelling at each other for shooting each other.

"You killed me bitch!" I yelled at Morgan as I punched her.

"Well next time fucking move!" Morgan shouted at me. I glared at her as I hit her with a nearby pillow behind the head. She grabbed me and pulled me onto the floor as she continued to smack me with the pillow.

"Morgan." Austin warned before I flipped us over and took the pillow.

"Ha." I shouted with a smile. She glared at me as I hit her with the pillow.

"Stop her!" Morgan yelled at Austin making me stop momentarily.

"Sorry, busy." He said with a smirk. She stayed there shocked as I hit her again. She somehow managed to grab another pillow as we continued to hit each other repeatedly. Finally Austin stepped in and picked me off of Morgan easily.

"Damn you." I muttered as he picked off Morgan and tossed her onto the other bed. I laughed as he kissed me once again making me smile.

"Well I'm out." Morgan said as she got up and fixed her hair.

"I'm not here." I shouted after her as she nodded.

"Use protection." She said with a wink as Austin laughed and I smiled. I threw the pillow after her as she pointed a strict finger at me.

"I'm being serious, we don't need mini Austin's." She said with a smirk.

"We don't need mini Robert's." I shouted after her. She laughed as she left closing the door behind her.

"I missed you." Austin muttered looking down at me.

"I missed you too." I muttered back as I tilted my head up to kiss him.


So i decided to add a boyfriend for the needed drama. Which might come in next chapter. Pic of Austin on the side >>>> He's the one in red :> Oh and Check out Crown The Empire.

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