Chapter Ten: Date Night :>

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Morgan's P.O.V

Chapter 10


I ducked behind the bench, holding a hand over my mouth to keep my breathing silent. My neon hair was drenched with water and my once white shirt was now see through, my black bra showing. If I'd known what Robert planned for the night I wouldn't have worn it.

"Morgan?" Robert sang, walking around where I was hiding. I sunk deeper against the bench. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

I could see his boot clad feet walk past the bench and I sighed in relief, dropping my hand and beginning to stand up. I felt hands wrap around my waist before I was being yanked back and thrown over the dock.

I could see pink and white floating around my eyes as I swam back to the surface of the ocean. Spluttering, I looked up to see a laughing Robert standing on the edge of the dock, giving me a goofy smile and winking at me. I glared at him as I swam back up to the dock.

"Help me out." I grumbled, holding a wet hand out. He eyed it suspiciously before quickly pulling me out of the luke warm water.

For our first date, Robert had decided to take me to the near by beach. He had somehow remembered that I had always wanted to go to the beach and watch the sunset even when I couldn't remember telling him. I seriously had a bad memory or it was that long ago. Never the less, I still thought it was cute.

I sat beside Robert with our feet dangling off of the edge of the dock, watching as the sun dipped behind the water. It was so beautiful, the colors reflecting off of the clear blue ocean. I smiled as the sun disappeared in only minutes, the beautiful sight going away with it.

"Was that how you imagined it?" Robert asked, breaking the silence and looking at me.

"Way better," I breathed before leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Thank you so much for this."

He shrugged, "No problem."

I smiled before standing up and wringing my hair out. The "Gang Kitty" shirt Kat had gotten me now smelled of salt and was like I had thought earlier, see through. I was uncomfortable in my jean shorts but I couldn't strip right here in front of Robert, even if he's seen all the goods.

"Ready to go?" Robert asked, looking up at me, still sitting down. He had his hands clasped in his lap and his hair was pulled back with his favorite red bandana. He looked comfortable with skinny jeans and a simple blue shirt.

"Hold on. There's one more thing I have to do." I said.

He gave me a confused look, "What?"

I didn't bother to reply. Instead, I bent down and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck like I was hugging him, before giving him a soft shove. He shouted as he slipped off of the dock and into the water, his head disappearing beneath the waves. I giggled when he came back up, coughing and hacking.

"Having fun?" I called down to him, giving him an innocent smile.

He returned the gesture, "I will be if you join me!"

I shrugged. YOLO right? I slipped out of my shorts and threw my shirt off, deciding that who gives a fuck? I was now left in my black lace matching panties and bra, smiling down at Robert. His eyes scanned my body and I could see a smirk on his face as he swam backwards, giving me enough room to jump. I shuffled back before running forward and curling into a ball, the water enveloping me. I barely had time to breathe before Robert was shoving me back under water.

And commence water fight.

I was on Robert's back trying to shove his head under water but he kept going under, causing me to hold my breath and hold on to him tightly. He managed to get me off and I swam in the black abyss, enjoying the silence. I couldn't see anything and swam back up when my lungs screamed for oxygen.

"Thought you were a fish?" Robert teased me when I resurfaced.

I smirked and swam to him, our chests touching, "Nothing's wrong with dreaming."

He smiled and pulled me closer to him, well as close as you can get in water. The smile slowly slipped from his face and I stared into his beautiful eyes, seeing my reflection in them. He was slowly leaning closer, his lips just mere inches away from mine. I could barely breathe, my heart beating fast.

Kiss me already, damnit. I thought.

"You're so beautiful." He said softly before capturing my lips with his.

I smiled into the kiss, bringing him closer. Okay, so maybe he was part of the plan. I didn't mind this. Not one bit.


Another wonderful chapter written by Mrogan. So yeah follow her @BeingMexoxo. Pic of Morgan on the side >>>> (The character.)

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