Chapter Thirty-Six: Mini Junior.

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Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 36


"Peek-A-Boo." I said as I uncovered my eyes.

"Kat she's only a few months old she's not going to respond." Johnny tells me with a smile as I glare at him.

"Let me have my fun boy." I snap as he rolls his eyes.

"Kat can I have my daughter back?" Ronnie asks me.

"Yeah, no." I mumble as I bounce Willow in my lap.

"When is it my turn." Max groans as I smile.

"Only a few months till you have your own, trust me enjoy your free time." Johnny says with a smirk. He should know, he had a son who was a couple of months.

"When do they get here?" Samie asks.

"Tomorrow." he says with a smile. He had ended up with Kara, an old friend of ours.

"When do I get to meet mini junior." Ronnie asks me.

"Not until after I do." Max mumbled as I laugh.

"The appointment is at three." I tell him as I bounce Willow a bit more.

"Two hours? The place is more then an hour away." Sam tells me.

"Crap, I have to change." I mumble as I stand up and hand Willow to Sam. I change into dark washed jeans with a thin long sleeved shirt that covered my bigger tattoos. I slipped my vans on and tied my hair in to a pony tail before going downstairs. Ronnie had rolled his black sleeves down, his shirt hung over his white jeans his funeral cap on top of his head.

"Take it off Ronald." I mumbled as he sighed and took off the cap placing it on top of Willows head. I sighed as I looked at Johnny who was dressed casually in jeans and a red button up shirt similar to Ronnie's. Samie waddled in with a blue dress on and black flats. Max had a blue shirt and black jeans his sleeves rolled up slightly showing one of his many tattoos unlike Johnny who had clear arms. We got in the car Johnny driving after much of Ronnie's complaining. After a long drive plus a stop at BK we get to a big white house. We step out of the car and stare at the house.

"Yeah... how about we do this tomorrow?" I ask as I turn to leave. Ronnie drags me back with a smirk.

"Nope, We've waited to long to meet mini junior and we are not going back now." Ronnie tells me.

"Go get your kid Mini." Johnny tells me as I take a full breath and walk to the door. I knock twice before the door opens. A lady with shoulder length hair and brown eyes stands there. She wears a orange dress and white wedges. One leg has multiple tattoos while the other one is clear. She smiles and extends her hand.

"Janice Micheal’s, pleasure to finally meet you." she speaks with a smile.

"Katherine Money, but please call me Kat." I tell her as she smiles.

"Come in, all of you. My sister is currently with Ayden." She informs me. The house itself is a beauty. It was very elegant with splashes of color.

"His bags are packed and he seems to understand what is going on." She says as we enter a living room with black sofas.

"Ayden honey this is Kat, your real mom." Janice says as a kid looks towards me. He has black hair and gray eyes with pale skin. He wears jeans and a black Ramon’s shirt.

"Hi." he says happily.

"Hi." I say back before he suddenly hugs me. His small hands wrap around me as his head rests on my stomach.

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