Chapter Forty-Six: Caige Michael-Edward Mabbit.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 46


"Damon." I mumbled.

"Stephen." Gaby says as I look at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Damon." I say. She rolls her eyes as her phone rings.

"Hey babe." Gaby says.

"Hey Caige!" I yell as Gaby puts the phone on speaker.

"Hey Kat." He says and I could almost see him smiling.

"Kat!" Roberts voice shouts as I smile.

"Never greet me like that." Max mumbles as he walks by.

"It's because I like her better Maxwell." Robert yells as I laugh

"How's everyone doing?" Craig asks.

"Good, why don't you skype me. It'd be easier that way." I say as I look towards Morgan who was rolling the ball to ayden.

"He's six Morgs, not two." I remind as she glares at me before sticking her tongue out at me.

"Alright I'll Skype you in a bit." Criag says before the line ends. Max walks back in to the room with Leila on his back. He runs to the couch before droping on to it dramatically.

"Uncle Max! You're heavy!" Leila yells with a laugh as she was now trapped under him.

"Ugh." Max made a small noise.

"Get off!" Leila says while laughing.

"Fine, I'll go find a new best freind." Max says before he gets off of her and walks away dramatically. I laugh at thier exchange as my laptop bings signaling an incoming call. I open up Skype and answer the call as all the guy's faces pop up.

"Kat!" They all yell as I smile. I set the laptop on the table so they could see me and Gaby and Morgan in the bacround with Ayden.

"How's my third favorite girl doing?" Robert asks.

"Third? What happend to second?" I ask as I put a hand over my chest.

"I knocked Morgan up." He says simply as I laugh. Suddenly Max sits on my lap as I groan.

"She's right you're heavy." I mumble as he laughs.

"What, there's only two seats on this mini couch." Max says as I laugh.

"Well then sit on the floor." I say trying to shove his heavy weigh off of me.

"Nope, you have a comfy lap." Max muses as I groan.

"Where are you guys?" I ask the guys.

"Like two cities away." Mike mumbles as I hear a door close and Brandi walk in to the room slugishly.

"Is there any coffee?" she asks running a hand through her hair.

"Yup, can you serve me a cup please?" I ask as she nods and enters the kitchen.

"Brandi crashing with you guys?" Craig asks as I nod.

"In a week, when the baby is born we'll be out." Max says as I smile.

"Your taking Max and Brandi? Good luck." Robert says.

"And Ayden." Max says as I nod.

"So..." Bryan raises an eyebrow.

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