Chapter Thirty-Eight: Crown the Empire?

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 38


"Kat!" A voice whined as I let out a groan.

"Go away." I mumbled as a heavy weight was dropped on me.

"Uh." I groaned as my eyes popped open. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see three pairs of big eyes looking at me. Ayden sat on my stomach as Morgan and Gaby sat next to me with smiles on their faces.

"What do you guys want?" I asked them.

"Food!" Ayden shouted loudly as I moved him off of me.

"Where to?" I ask.

"IHop." they shouted as I nodded.

"Go get ready." I told them as the to girls left.

"Ayden go wake up Max." I told him as he nodded and left quickly. I got up and changed into some black jeans and a shirt with a British flag printed on it and some blue converse. I tied my hair up and quickly went to try and find Ayden. He was sitting on Max and trying to wake him up.

"Max, I want to go get food." Ayden whined as I laughed.

"Mom get him up!" Ayden said as I nodded and covered his ears.

"Max get the fuck up!" I yelled as he jumped up.

"Damn Kat, trying to make me go deaf." He mumbled as I uncovered Aydens ears.

"Maybe... come on. We're going to IHop." I tell him as he nods. I pick up Ayden who was already dressed in some jeans and an Asking Alexandria shirt on with a British flash and some blue converse. He was a lot like me, though I'm not sure if it's a good thing. Ronnie was sitting on the couch already dressed in black jeans and a white shirt on with Willow in his arms in a white shirt and black skirt some mini converse on her feet. Leila was sitting next to Gaby in a black leggings and a purple tutu with a with a white simple shirt on. Gaby wore a black long dress. Morgan came down with some jeans and a dark blue shirt and white cardigan. Johnny, Kara and Nash all wore khaki jeans and blue shirts with white converse.

"Aww look they match." Gaby mumbled as I laughed. Max finally showed up with jeans and a blue shirt and black vans.

"Let's roll." he said with a smile. It takes us twenty minutes to get there and another forty minutes to be seated. We joke around as we ate before heading back to the car.  When we got home I noticed a familiar white van in the driveway. Seven people leaned against the van and I immediately knew who they where especially when I spotted a blonde head. They where all dressed casually with simple jackets and jeans. Max grabbed Ayden out of my hands as the guys looked towards us.

"Kat!" Ben yelled loudly as he spotted me. I smiled as all the guys suddenly attacked me.

"You disappeared on me." Andy said as I laughed.

"Sorry." I mumbled as the guys rolled their eyes.

"Sure." Brent drawled out as I smiled.

"Aren't you guys a little early? Your Vegas date isn't  until the twebty-eight." Gaby mumbled.

"Yeah, we're supposed to be visiting family and we're not to early... only three days." Hayden said with a smile.

"Nice. So know that you guys are here we can go site seeing, I mean who else can show you Vegas then me." I said with a smile.

"Yeah this bitch has been everywhere." Ronnie said with a laugh.

"You where the one dragging me around town so shut it Ronald." I growled as the guys laughed.

"Let's go inside, we can talk then." Johnny said as he pushed Kara towards my front door.

"Yeah, it's a little cold." Morgan says as she follows suit.

"Let me guess, little dudes your son." Austin says as I smile.

"Maybe." I  drawl as he laughs.

"The kids your spitting image Katherine, let's see how long it takes the guys to figure it out." He says as I laugh.

"Yeah, it might take them a few years." I tell him as he nods.

"Hey Kat, who's the kid." David asks me.

"His name is Ayden." I tell him.

"Well that answers absoulutly nothing." Andy mumbles. I shrug as grab Ayden from Max and take him upstairs away from the noise.

"He's cute." Ben says from behind me.

"Yeah, I know." I mumble.

"Must get it from his mom." Ben says as I look at him.

"I overherd Robert and Austin talking about it. He's why you left so suddenly right?" Ben asks.

"It was my only chance to get him back." I tell him.

"I would of done the same thing." He says as I smile. He sighs before looking at me.

"I need to tell you something." He says.

"Go ahead." I urge him.

"It's about TJ." He says as I nod.

"The guys were arguing about it, a girl had showed up to the show a few days ago. Robert and TJ where talking, I overheard that she's  claiming to be pregnant with TJ's kid." Ben mumbled as I sighed with a nod.

"He admitted that they had been toghter but theres no way to tell if the kids his or not." Ben mumbled.

"Not until it's born." I mumble.

"She's been by his side since she showed up Kat."  He says.

"Well this just made my choice alot easier." I mumble.

"What are you talking about?" Ben asks.

"I got a job offering in London as a designer slash model. They'll pay for half my rent, all my flights and Ayden's school all I have to do is say yes." I tell him.

"You'll leave because of this?" Ben asks shell shocked.

"It's only a year then I could take over the job in Vegas." I tell him.

"Kat..." He trails off with a sigh.

"A year without me isn't much, it's about the time I was gone cause of Ayden." I tell him. Ayden starts to stir in his sleep before he sits up.

"Ayden this is Ben, a friend of mine." I tell the little boy who immidetiley had rushed to my side at the sight of Ben.

"Is he my uncle?" Ayden asks.

"I don't know why don't you ask him." I tell Ayden who quickly shakes his head and hides as we laugh.

"Kat, will you really leave?" Ben asks me.

"It depends Ben, but don't worry you can come visit." I tell him as he laughs. I pick up Ayden and stand up.

"Let's go, before the guys start to think wrong." I tell him as he laughs.

"Have you met Andrew?" Ben asks me causing me to laugh.

"Unfortunately I have." I joked.

"You have a kid?" Andy asked in bewilderment. I nodded along with the people who knew as Austin walked in to the room.

"It slipped." he mumbled as I smirked.

"The fact that your a mom just made you a whole lot hotter." Andy mumbled as I rolled my eyes. The guys all seemed to read my mind and each smacked him in the back of the head.


Sorry it took long guys and we know have a spot available in the book as Maxs new girlfriend. So comment your name, age, description, who would play you in the movie and you might be in the book. And we also need people to play Kat and Morgan so please tell me who you would like to play them and winners get shoutouts and votes on their book!

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