Chapter Twelve: Alone.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 12


Two week's later Morgan and I could finally leave and go find the guys, but first we had to go off and film a video for Falling In Reverse.

"Hey Money Jr., Blondie." Ronnie greeted us as we entered the set.

"Ronald." I said with a smile before he pulled us both in tightly.

"Careful, stitches." I warned.

"Again! What you do this time?" He asked as we walked towards the band.

"My appendix burst." I muttered. He rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Been there, done that." Ryan said as he hugged Morgan.

"Suck's." I muttered as he hugged me lightly.

"Jacky!" I shouted as I spotted him. He turned around with a smile as I ran towards him. He spun me around easily as Morgan laughed.

"Don't break her Vincent or Mike will have you ass on a plate." Morgan warned.

"Your just jealous!" Jacky yelled at her.

"If you say so." Morgan mumbled. He threw her over his shoulder as he ran off towards Derek and Ron. He held her up in the air before muttering an oops and dropping her. Derek and Ron manged to catch her before she injured herself. Jacky laughed before he ran off in the other direction. Morgan glared at him before running after him. He shirked loudly as I smiled. She threw herself onto his back as he let out a scream and fell to the floor with a thud.

"Ow." I muttered as we made are way over. Morgan was pounding her hands down onto Jacky's chest as he tried to stop her.

"Guy's start in five." Peter their manager screamed at them. They all got up and fixed them selves off before walked towards him.

"Morgan, Kat, nice to see you two. Wardrobe is over there. Hurry!" Peter said as he hugged us quickly and pushed us towards the wardrobe section. They did our hair and make up quickly. They pinned our bangs back easily before sending us off the put on our outfit's. I had on some black skinny jeans and a black loose tank top with some black healed boot's. A pair of lady gaga type glasses where also part of the outfit. Morgan had some white skinny jeans and a half tank top with black and gold sequence, white heel's and a giant white fur coat. Which she only had to use for the first part of shouting.

"What exactly do we have to do?" I asked the guys as I came out.

"Dance." Ryan muttered.

"Be sexy." Jacky said with a wink. I rolled my eyes as Peter walked by.

"Perfect. Jacky why the hell is that jacket dirty!" Peter yelled.

"It was Morgan!" Jack shouted.

"Sure blame it on the girl. Go get a new one, hurry." Peter muttered. He might seem mean, but he was one of the cool manager's of the music industry.

"Alright to the copter." Peter muttered when Jacky came back. We all piled in before they took us around to where the building was and landed.

"Okay guy's don't laugh." Ryan warned. We laughed. All of us and they way off of the plane once we caught sight of the camera's we laughed. Causing us to do it another three time's. Once they actually caught the shot we where all relived.

"Fina-fucking-ly." Ronnie muttered. They did his shot twice, the first time he fell out of the car.

"Fina-fucking-ly." I muttered afterwords causing him to glare at me and push me towards the guys. I chuckled as we did the scene of us walking into the building. The guys played the song five time's. Three of Ronnie in his different outfit's and another two for the extra shot's and closeups. We did two shot's of me and Morgan dancing around like weirdo's. Once we finished we all went out to BK.

"So how do you guy's know Ronnie?" Ron asked us. Ron was the newest member so he didn't know much.

"I'm Bryan and Mike's younger sister so I know him from back in the day's." I told him.

"Second video you do for us?" Ron asked.

"We've been in every video you guys have had." Morgan said with a chuckle.

"You guy's sure are dedicated." Jacky muttered.

"No, Ronnie is just very persistent." I muttered. The guys nodded along as I smiled.

"So what you guys been up to?" Ronnie asked as he munched on a french fry, my french fry. Dick.

"We've been hanging around with the guys as the tour." I muttered.

"Oh yeah, their going along with the Undead's." Ronnie muttered refering to Hollywood Undead.

"Yeah, I think they start July." I muttered.

"Their finishing off their tour before taking a break." Morgan muttered.

"Oh cool, when you guys leaving?" Ronnie asked.

"Trying to get rid of us that fast Ronald?" I questioned as the guys laughed.

"Hell yeah you two are annoying." Ronnie exclaimed.

"Taxi's here." Morgan muttered.

"That soon." Ron muttered.

"Yeah, I have to go make sure they don't burn down the bus." I muttered.

"Only you do that Kat." Jacky muttered.

"Once, one time and you get shit for the rest of your life!" I shouted. The guys all laughed as I smiled.

"Morgan was there two." I muttered.

"Nice blame the blonde girl." Morgan replied lowly. We said our goodbyes as we headed to the taxi

"You hair's pink." I mumbled twisting the lock of neon pink hair in my hand.

"Bye Ronald, see you soon. Oh and send me pic's of me goddaughter." I said with a smile.

"I taught I was the godfather." Ryan said with a pout as I laughed.

"Kidding. Congrats and I'll miss you guys." I said frowning. We got in the taxi with a sigh.

"San Francisco here we come." Morgan muttered as she laid her head on my lap.

"Three hour trip here we come." I corrected her. She laughed as I laid my head back on the chair with a sigh. Bring Me The Horizon blasted out of my head phones as I looked out the window and readied myself for the next month and a half of touring with my brothers and the other three idiot's that made Escape The Fate.


Alright so as of now the story time is around mid April, hence the making of the You're Insane video and the Alone video. This is a filler and it's not as exciting, but next chapter goes back to the boys and some more TJ! Oh yeah. Video on side and the song she was listening to is in the pic :>

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