Chapter Four: Starbucks

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Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 4


I stood up and grabbed my hoodie and slipped it on. I put my hair up in a ponytail and slipped on my van's.

"Where you going?" Mike questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"No where." I told him before I walked out of the bus. I heard the guys laugh and Mike's irritated groan. What I have to mess with him sometimes. Max was leaning against the building with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You look like a drug dealer." I muttered as I approached him. He smiled brightly and pulled me into him hugging me tightly.

"Whoa, why so happy you saw me yesterday." I told him with a slight laugh. Okay, lie. I saw him last week when the guys where interviewed by Bryan Star's. Max chuckled as he pulled out a small box. A ring box.

"Kay, Max I love you, but..." I stated trailing off. He sighed as he slapped my arm playfully. He opened the box and in neat red writing .

"She said yes." Was written on a tiny white piece of paper.

"Really?" I asked excitedly bouncing up and down.

"Yes!" He screamed out. I hugged him tightly as he spun me around in a circle.

"Oh my Jesus! I have to start helping her plan and the decorations." I said freaking out.

"Your more excited then she was." Max said laughing as he held me in place.

"Well I wouldn't be excited to marry you either." I said with a smirk. He glared at me as I laughed.

"Shut it bitch or I won't say it." He warned.

"Say what?" I questioned getting curious. He smirked as he pretended to zip his lips.

"Max!" I whined childishly.

"Nope." He muttered popping the P.

"Please." I begged. This went on for what seemed like hours.

"Fine, Sammie wants you and an Morgan to be bridesmaid's." Max stated giving in. I nodded my head in excitement.

"I can't wait." I squeaked loudly as he laughed.

"I proposed this morning calm your tit's" He said with a smile. I stuck my tongue out a him as I crossed my arm over my chest a frown plastered on my face.

"Turn that frown upside down." Max mused as I was thrown over his shoulder.

"Max!" I screeched loudly as he spun around in circles making me dizzy.

"She's smiling Max." Mike's voice broke our fit of laughter. Max stopped and set me down on the floor, my head spinning as we both slumped onto the floor. We laughed along with Mike.

"Nice to see you back Bro." Mike said with a smile helping Max and me up. They did a weird bro hug thing as the rest of the guys and Morgan emerged. Morgan ran up to Max and hugged him. He whispered in here ear as she let out a squeak. I laughed and the guys looked in between the three of us. We all smile innocently as the guys share looks.

"That's never a good look." Craig mutters worriedly. I laughed at him as Rob sighed.

"I'll have the lawyer on speed dial." He muttered clicking on his phone.

"We're not that bad!" Morgan defended.

"Sure." Bryan said with a smirk. They all say hello to Max and all laugh probably remembering all the times they shared. It was like a big happy reunion, except for TJ... He just stood there like a sore thumb.

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