Chapter Forty-Seven: Test Results.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 37.


"Kat!" a familiar voice shouts as my eyes pop open.

"Why are you guys still asleep?" Robert asks as I look over at Max who's still sleeping. I pull myself out of his arms and look up at Robert with a sigh.

"We might of had a sugar overload." I mumble as I fix my shirt and redo my hair. I stand and stretch before I'm pulled in to a tight hug.

"I missed you to Rob." I say with a laugh as he lets me go.

"Where is everyone?" I ask him as I look around the almost empty room. Only Gaby lay asleep.

"Outside, they saw you guys asleep and decided to chill outside." he says as I nod and put on my shoes.

"Let's go. Morgan has an ultrasound overdue, so we're doing it right now." Robert tells me as I nod. I grab my bag as we leave the room after I leave a note on Max's phone, he hadn't changed the password since I changed it. We make it to the room where Morgan sat on the chair. She smiles at us as the doctor stands.

"Alright, let's see how these babies are doing." She says with a smile. Morgan lays back slowly before rolling up her shirt. She squeals as the cold jelly is put on her I laugh causing her to glare at me. The nurse then put the machine checkout looking thing to Morgan's stomach. The screen shows the two figure as I smile.

"Look at my babies." Morgan mused as Rob smiles.

"Our babies." He corrects as I laugh lightly.

"Well these kiddos look big for their age." The doctor says as we laugh.

"Blame Afro for that." I mumble as he glares at me.

"Okay, in two weeks have an appointment with your normal doctor." She says as we nod. She wipes the goo off of Morgs belly before helping her up. We thank her before making our way to the maternity level where Gaby was. As We enter the room Ayden instantly hugs me. I pick him up as I look over to see all the guys messing with Max.

"Leave him alone." I mumble with a sigh.

"We've been fucking with him for the last half an hour, trust me he won't wake up. " Craig says with a chuckle.

"Kat wakes him up in like a second, why can't you?" Brandi asks as they look at each other.

"Go ahead." Mike mutters motioning to Max. I roll my eyes as my stomach clenches painfully. I hand Ayden to Robert before rushing to the restroom.

"And she woke him up." Bryan says as I puke in to the toilet. I puke again, and again and again and again as Mike stays behind me trying to calm me down.

"Do something." Mike yells.

"Like what?" Max shouts at him. I try pushing myself up though my legs quickly give out and I fall. Someone grabs me before I fall as I groan.

"Take her to a nurse." Bryan mumbles as I'm lifted up in to a pair of hands. I curl in to the persons chest and instantly know it's Max.

"Calm Ayden down." Max tells someone. I was laid down on a gurnie as bright lights flashed down on me.

"Sir, you have to stay back." A voice says calmly as it fades away.

"She's my sister!" I hear Mike yell before everything goes black.


I woke up to the steady beat of my heart. My eyes slowly adjust to the bright light as I blink away the tears that brim my eyes.

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