Chapter Twenty-Eight: Jake.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 28


“You okay? You look pale.” Morgan commented as we all ate at a nearby restaurant the next morning.

“Just a headache.” I tell her. She smiles and nods though doesn't look very convinced.

“You still going to Miami?” Craig asks me as I nod.

“Yeah, I leave in two days.” I tell him. He nods with a smile.

“Did Gaby move already?” I ask him and he nods. They had bought a house in Arizona so she could be closer to her family now that the second kid is coming along. Craig's parents are moving back to Vegas so he could visit them more often and both of their families are spread out between Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Ohio.

“You staying in Cali?” Craig asked me making me look up.

“Probably.” I mumbled. Mike and Bryan both had houses in Vegas. TJ lived in Arizona and Robert had a place in Cali though him and Morgan where thinking about getting a place in Vegas after the baby was born, depending if my brothers moved to Cali or not. We talked for a bit longer before my phone rang, the guys looked at me as if urging me to answer.

“Kat here.” I said into the phone.

“Still have the same greeting babe?” The voice asked making me stand straighter.

“Why so quite?” He asked.

“Jake?” I croaked out scared to know if it was him or not.

“So you do remember.” The voice said with a laugh. I snapped the phone shut and stood up.

“I have to go.” I said quickly as I grabbed my jacket. The guys looked up at me shocked at my sudden outburst. Morgan stood up and followed me out of the restaurant.

“What's wrong?” She asks me as I run a hand threw my hair. The stress of the news could hurt her baby and it's something I didn't want to do. She was about two month's along by now.

“Nothing.” I mumbled.

“Kat.” She mumbled not believing me.

“Nothing Morgan!” I shouted making her flinch.

“I'm sorry.” I whisper before walking to my car and getting in. I turn on the engine and look into my rear view mirror to see tears falling down her cheeks as Robert and the other guys ran outside. I pressed on the gas and quickly left the place behind. My phone vibrated and I shoved my hand into my bag searching for my phone. I pressed the call button before putting the phone against my ear.

“What?” I ask.

“What's wrong Kat?” Mike asks me as I switch lane's.

“Does is matter?” I ask him with a sigh.

“Yes.” He says as I groan.

“I just need to cool off Mike, I'll be there for rehearsal.” I tell him before I snap the phone shut and power it off. I turn off the car as I sigh. Why was he back? Why now?

I walked into the studio where the guys were rehearsing. They were playing Losing Control as I entered but they all stopped once I walked in.

“Until We Die.” Omar said causing them all to start fumbling around getting ready to play. Max and Samie both sat with Morgan on the couch as they talked. Suddenly Bryan stopped playing, he stopped the noise of the guitar with his fingers before he took it off and set it down.

“Where were you?” He asked harshly.

“Doesn't matter.” I tell him before he walks closer to me.

“Where were you?” He asked again getting angry. The guys stood by trying not to interfere.

“I'm here now aren't I?” I shot back causing him to glare at me.

“You can't just leave like that!” Bryan shouted at me making me jump slightly.

“You can't tell me what to do!” I yelled at him.

“Watch me.” He growled lowly.

“Your not my father Bryan.” I reminded him lowly.

“No, I'm not and I'm not going to put up with you shit Katherine!” He yelled at me.

“You don't have to Bryan, I'm fine. You don't have to be on my ass all the time.” I told him as his fist clenched.

“You're a mess Katherine, there's a reason Mom and Dad let you walk away.” Bryan yelled at me.

“Fuck you.” I said slowly. My cheek stung as his hand came in contact with it causing me to turn my head away from him. The room was quiet as I looked back at him. He was shocked and looked guilty though made no move towards me. Mike shoved him back and tried reaching for my hand though I quickly stepped back, his hand touching air. Guilt, anger, remorse, pain, all those emotions whirled in his eyes. Mike turned to glare at Bryan and soon was yelling at him as Max stepped in front of me. He hugged me close to him as Samie grabbed Morgan and TJ pushing them out.

“Go.” Max yelled at my brother's. They didn't move but Robert and Omar quickly pulled them out of the room as Max held me close to him, tears running down my cheeks. Not from pain, but from fear. My phone rang and Max answered it not letting me go.

“Leave her alone Jake.” Max said into the phone harshly.

“The kids safe.” Max said simply before he hung up.

“He wants to know what happened to him.” Max mumbled.

“My brother's don't even know.” I told Max as he sighed.

“This is not going to end well.” Max mumbled as I rested my head on his chest.

“I'm screwed.” I mumble lowly with a sigh. Jake would never touch him, I promised myself that. That's why he's not with me, because of Jake.


Eek Sorry for the late update love's (/.\) Uh anyway comment on what you think Max and Kat are talking about and uh yeah Max and Kat knew eachother before ETF was formed, suposedly, this is all fiction (sadly) Anywho vote and checkout Edge, it will be update today as well :>

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