Chapter Fifty: Psycho Jake.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 50


I took a deep breath before knocking on the door and seconds later it swung open.

"Kat." Jake mumbles as he looks at me.

"Where's my son?" I ask him flatly.

"Our son." He states as I scoff.

"You are not his dad Jake." I muse before he suddenly pulls me inside his apartment roughly.

"And who's fault is that you little whore!" he shouts as he throws me to the floor before slamming the door closed.

"You left me for that stupid idiot with long hair. We could've been together, been happy, had a family of our own. Ayden could of been my son!" Jake yelled taking a step closer to me every few seconds causing me to scramble back.

"Be happy?" I ask enraged as I get up on to my feet.

"While being your punching bag, and dealing with the bullshit you put me through for month's! How were we supposed to be happy?" I ask him.

"Maybe if you wouldn't have fucked Green we'd be happy." He shot back.

"How many times would you have raped me then?" I asked him. Suddenly I was on the floor again, my cheek stinging as Jake glared at me.

"Where is he?" I ask him ignoring the pain in my left cheek as I pulled myself on to the couch and sat up.

"Where's Ayden?" I ask him while looking up at him slowly.

"Waiting." Jake states.

"For what?" I ask him.

"For us to start our life together, to get away from everyone that messed up our relationship before." He states taking a seat next to me.

"Don't you get it! You messed up our relationship! You ruined every single good thing we had!" I yelled at him, my anger rising.

"I was doing it for us!" He yelled back just as angry as I was.

"For us? How do hell do you justify that in your fucking head Jake?" I asked with a humorless laugh as I get up from the sofa and walk across the living room.

"Everything I ever did I did for you Katherine. I was always by your side." He states standing to his feet.

"You were keeping me by your side, I couldn't go to the fucking bathroom without you thinking I was cheating on your ass." I remind him.

"Yet three days after we break up your off with Green probably messing around in his bed." Jake growls.

"I should of left your ass the moment I had a chance." I muttered lowly taking a deep breath.

"You did." He states before taking a step closer to me.

"You left me the second you had Max by your side!" He yells taking yet another step closer.

"I left you the moment I felt safe again, I was scared for my life Jake. I never knew what was going on in your head and I stayed up at night wondering if it would be my last night." I tell him.

"I never wanted to hurt you Kat, I just wanted us to be happy." He says with a sincere look on his face as he stood in front of me. For a moment I felt bad fro him, maybe he was just fucked in the head. Maybe he truly wanted us to be happy.

"But you fucked it up." He said lowly. Moment gone. I was suddenly pressed against his body, his hand wrapped around my waist keeping my body pressed against his. I was slammed against the wall roughly as he pressed his leg against me keeping me pinned to the wall.

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