Chapter Fourteen: Hospital.

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Craig's P.O.V.

Chapter 14


"Guy's, bad news." Omar said as we exited the interview.

"What they ran out of cookies?" I asked with a smile as I made fun of Omar's cookie addiction.

"Shut it Mabbit, I'm serious." Omar said as we all looked at him, he noticed he had out attention so he continued.

"It's Kat, she in the hospital." He told us.

"I suggest you guys hurry." He told us as he threw a pair of key's my way. We all rushed to my car as my mind raced with thought's.

"Hurry up Craig!" Bryan shouted at me.

"I'm trying!" I shouted back as I fumbled with the car key's. Robert pushed me across the front seats of the truck so I was no sitting next to TJ. He turned on the truck swiftly and closed the door. Robert drove almost as crazy as Morgan and Kat. For a moment I feared for my life, as did everyone else. We all basically jumped out of the truck happy to be out of the truck. We spotted Morgan immediately and rushed to her side.

"What happened?" Mike asked her. She looked up at him with a pained expression.

"Her stitches had opened and I first I didn't think much of it, but her blood soaked threw the patch and her shirt and two of the towels I had brought her. She lost a lot of blood Mike." Morgan choked out. Mike sighed as he pulled her to his side.

"What are they doing now?" I asked her.

"Blood transfusion. Max and Samie are both in there." Morgan muttered.

"Their here?" Brian asked.

"They where on their way to check on her, she had been texting him since we got her. He called to tell her that they had stopped to get gas while I was driving. I told him and he got her seconds after I did." Morgan said as she looked down.

"I tried calling you guys, but you never answered. Then I remembered you guys kept your phones off during interviews." She told us. Robert grabbed her and pulled her towards him as she cried softly.

"I don't." TJ muttered.

"I didn't know your number." Morgan muttered looking down.

"Then I called Omar, you guys where still being interviewed and it was live so he waited to tell you guy." She said.

"This girl will be the death of me." Mike muttered as he slumped into a chair. I sat next to him TJ to my side Bryan in front of us along with Morgan and Robert. Max walked out with Samie to his side. They sat next to Morgan as Max looked worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"There was a lot of blood." He muttered looking down.

"Mila Katherine Money." The Dr. said the name as we all stood up.

"Sorry for the delay guys. Mila has lost a lot of blood, but thanks to the transfusions she seems to be doing good and will be ready to leave tomorrow morning." The Dr. said with a smile as we all let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you know why she lost so much blood?" I asked him.

"She has a blood disorder." The Dr. told us with a sad smile.

"Meaning?" I pushed trying to get an answer. All eyes where on the doctor as I said this.

"Most people get blood clot's after injuries causing the injury to stop bleeding. Certain people, like Miss Money, are missing a certain type of blood cell, called platelets which help form blood clot's." The Dr. told us.

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