Chapter 40 - Blame

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-Michael's POV-

I tried not to wake up Roxy as I got up from her grip. I wanted to surprise her with breakfast again since my plans got ruined by that course case.

I slowly opened the door and closed it behind me,

"You have a good sleep mate ?"

I jumped back as I saw a smirk on Ashton's face as Luke and Calum sneaked up from behind him.

"What were you doing in there Mikey?"

Luke asked me as he wiggled his eyebrows in a playful manner.

I hit them as they started fake crying and screaming.

"No guys shush! Don't wake Roxy up! You'll ruin my surprise-"

"What surprise?"

We all jumped as we saw her come up from behind me.

"So? What's the surprise?"

She asked me again looking me in the eyes.

"N-nothing Rox, I'll see you later okay?"

I said as I went to walk away but stopped when I felt her pull me back by my wrist.

"Michael, we need to talk. I got a call this morning for you guys."

Luke, Ashton and Calum came up and hugged her.

"What is it baby girl?"

Luke asked her as we all huddled together.

"Well, I got you a gig on one of those music tv shows..... You need to be ready in an hour. And you need a new song. I sure hope you guys have a new song on you..."

We all exchanged looks of shock,

"What music tv show exactly?"

Ashton asked curiosly,

"Let's just say a little channel called MTV. You have an interview at the beginning of how you guys formed the band and for your viewers to have facts about you guys. And then you will perform a song on the show. Are you ready for this?"

We all stopped and took in the information Roxy gave us; like seriously. This was the best news in the world. We all started cheering as we all squeezed Roxy. As the guys got off of her, I wrapped my arms around her as she pulled me close to her. I could feel something pulling my chest tighter as my heart started to pound as fast as Ashton's drumming. It's a weird metaphor but I don't know how else to describe it, don't judge okay?

Calum tried to tear us apart as I never wanted to let her go. She felt so good pressed up against me.

"Okay, so guys you don't have long... Go get ready please. And wear something good. This is your first time on the big screen, make it your best? Okay let's go!"

We cheered as we each went to our own room; I pulled Roxy in; I needed her advice on what I should wear.

-Roxy's POV-

So Michael pulled me into his room and I really don't know why?

"So what about this shirt with these skinny jeans?"

He asked me as he held them out for me to examine; he had the same Rolling Stones t-shirt that I wore the other night when I was with him.

"Uhm, I would say yes for the jeans because Luke told me that you guys always wear black skinny jeans. Keep your image and individuality. That is really important to keep in mind."

I reminded him as he nodded and threw the shirt anywhere. He went into the bathroom as I heard the door click, indicating that it was shut.

I thought about how close we have become over the past few weeks. I really did miss him as my friend, having him here reminds me of what good times we had. I remember the time when we made a promise to eachother. To never ever let anyone hurt us or bring us down... After leaving him I never noticed that I broke that promise.

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now