Chapter 46 - Cologne

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-Ashton's Pov-

It's amazing but I decided to fly out to see Roxy on the tour with everybody else. I really wanted to introduce myself to the bands that she wrote songs for.

I got out of the cab and saw three tour buses aligned next to each other. They all looked beautiful as the sun shined on them and the glare went in my eyes. I hope that we get our own tour bus some day.

I knocked on the first tour bus door (I forgot which one Roxy was in) As I saw a pretty blonde girl standing there, looking as beautiful as ever. She flashed me a big smile and said

"Hi, who may you be?"

In a thick British accent,

"Hi I am Ashton Irwin, the drummer from 5 seconds of summer. I am looking for—"

I heard a screech coming from behind me,


I turned around to see Roxy rushing towards me as she pulled me in for a hug. I rubbed her back in circles with my hands as she let go of me and said,

"I can't believe that you came all of the way here just to bring me back tomorrow!"

She said happy as could be, she looked good and smelled like..... cologne?

"So, this is Perrie by the way, she is in Little Mix."

Roxy said gesturing towards Perrie. She walked down the tour bus stairs and shook my hand,

"It is so nice to finally meet you, Roxy talks a lot about your band."

She said as she winked at Roxy, Roxy hit her arm as Perrie held it in pain.

"I would love to know what she says about us."

I said smiling at Perrie,

"Okay, Ash I will show you where you are going to stay..."

Roxy said stealing me away from Perrie as we walked to the bus that was the furthest from the others.

I walked in to see a really messy bus, there was garbage from granola bar wrappers, ship bags, potato bags.

"Okay so."

I said startling Roxy,

"Have you talked to Louis yet about how you feel?"

I said since she hasn't filled me in on anything since she left,

"Yeah I did talk to him—"

Before she could say anything else, the tour bus door opened and I saw Louis walk in,

"Hey Roxy do you want to—"

He stopped as he locked eyes with me,

"Who is this Rox?"

He said as he put his arm around her, so I'm guessing that they did get back together.

"This is Ashton, he is the drummer of –"

I cut her off as I put my hand out,

"5 seconds of summer and I am Roxy's friend and client. She has done so much for our band and I can't thank her enough for it. She is also the best friend I've ever had since moving from Australia to America."

I said as Louis shook my hand,

"It is nice to meet you, Ashton. I am Louis, Roxy's boyfriend."

He stated as I smiled at him,

"Yeah I only came here because I need your help on a song Rox.."

I admitted as she laughed and helped me put my stuff in my bunk,

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now