Chapter 10 - Happy

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-Zayn's POV-

We finally made it home! I saw that same old house that I lived in practically my whole life. But it felt empty knowing that my little sister won't be there to greet me with one of her famous Waliyah hugs.

Roxy and I took our stuff inside as we heard someone heavily breathing. I saw my mother and father sitting on the couch with the rest of my sisters. They all looked so torn apart.

They're attention turned towards me and Roxy as they ran to me and engulfed me in hugs. Usually they are so happy to see me, right now I know that they are extremely grateful that I decided to show up in a situation like this.

"Who is this?"

My little sister Sophya asked me,

"This is my best friend, and my sister Roxy."

All of my sisters gave her a big hug. She smiled as she decided to hug them back and squeeze them.

I went towards my mom who was still sitting on the couch while the rest of my family was talking to Roxy.

"Hey mom."

I said as I leaned down to hug her. As soon as I reached her, she started sobbing into my shoulder.

"Thanks for coming Zayn. I really appreciate it."

She said as she tried to control her sobs,

"You know I wouldn't bail on you in a situation like this. Waliyah wouldn't have wanted it that way."

I squeezed on to her just so she could let everything out, losing her baby was really hard on her. It's really hard on me too. The ceremony is this afternoon. I'm probably going to let it all out then.

Roxy came up to us as I let go of my mom,

"Mom, this is my best friend Roxy. I asked her to come with me because she understands what we're going through. She lost her father the same way we... Lost Waliyah."

She shook Roxy's hand as Roxy pulled her closer to her. She continued to sob on Roxy's shoulder as she smoothed out my moms hair, attempting to calm her down.

"Thank you."

I mouthed to Roxy,

"No problem."

She mouthed back as I got up and decided to talk to my sisters and comfort them.

- Kendall's POV-

My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe it. I didn't think it would work, but it did! I'm actually dating Roxy! Finally. She's mine, and only mine. Louis can finally back off because I love her so much.

I was so shy to ask her because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Even though we did make-out a lot even when we were considered 'friends'

I strut through Syco records as I bumped into James.

"Hey buddy, why are we so happy today? Did we finally get those llamas we ordered?"

James smiled like the crazy guy he is,

"No, check out my relationship status."

James raised his eyebrows in confusion as he took out his phone and played around on it. His jaw dropped as he saw it.

"So it's official. You and Roxy are a couple? You two are together? You're the girlfriend and she's the boyfriend in this situation?"

I hardly hit James shoulder,

"Yes James, I think that's how a relationship works. Except for I'm the boyfriend and she's the girlfriend in this situation."

I sarcastically replied as he started jumping up and down,

"Logan! Carlos!"

They jumped up out of nowhere and behind him,

"Koxy is finally official!"

They all looked serious for a moment as they all shared glances of each other's reactions. Then they starte jumping up and down like fan girls.

They all started fan girling again as I decided to leave them and call her up to see where she is because she hasn't showed up to work at all today.


I heard her say on the other end,

"Hey girlfriend."

I sang as she giggled on the other end,

"Hey Kendork. You and I are official according to Twitbook."

She said,

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you in person. But I thought, since I was too shy, i would ask you online."

I could hear other voices in the background as I went outside of Syco records.

"You don't have to be shy around me Kendork."

I laughed as I heard a guys voice on the other end,

"Where are you Rox?"

I asked,

"I'm with Zayn at his parents house. It's a long story that I want to explain to you properly when I get back tomorrow."

I nodded my head and sighed, I really hope nothings going on between them,

"Anyways, I've gotta go. I'll call you tonight, ok?"

I sighed, I really want to know what's going on but I'll be patient,

"Yeah sure. Bye babe."

I almost hung up before I heard her say something that I never thought I'd hear her say,

"I love you Kendall."

A smile crept on my face,

"I love you too Rox."

We said our goodbyes as I walked back in Syco records with a huge smile on my face.

-Louis POV-

I placed another love letter on Roxy's desk as I tried to creep out, I saw Sage and Perrie catch me in the act as they stared at me at the door way.

"Hey guys. Just got lost in this big studio-"

"Roxy is gone Louis. I can't find Zayn either. Where did they go?"

Sage said as I noticed the tears in Perrie's eyes.

"I'm sure their off doing business, but trust me, nothing's going on between them. Like you said before Pezza, Roxy loves me, not anyone else and Zayn loves you. Nobody else but you."

She smiled as I gave her a huge hug, I could feel that I accidentally gave her a romantic hug as Sage coughed us off,

"You two will head off to Zayn's parents house. Roxy told me that's where they are. She didn't explain why they are there."

I quickly grabbed Perrie's hand,

"Come on babe, go get ready."

She nodded her head as I wiped off one of her tears as we went to go he ready to go catch our lovers in the act of something. This is usually not like Zayn. Something must be going on, when he's sad he's usually very quiet.

Soo, I just wanted to say that I'm really happy because... I asked this guy I liked to prom and he said yes!!!!!!!!!!

I actually asked two guys, I asked my second choice first because he said that he didn't have a date to the prom, so I decided to ask him to go with me as a friend. When I was repeating it over and over in my head.. I finally got the guys to ask him and then he tells me that he's not going ... I was afraid to ask my first choice so that's why I asked him.

On the last day of school (today, June 6th) I asked my first choice simply and he didn't even have to think about because he blurted out "sure" and had the cutest smirk on his face. I love this moment!!!!

Sorry about all that, I just thought I had to share.. Stay strong lovelies xx

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