Chapter 14 - Human

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-Roxy's POV-

I was sitting at my desk as I was trying to figure out some lyrics when I heard the door click open. I popped my head up as I saw Louis walk in with the biggest smirk I've ever seen him do in the past two weeks. Yup, we've been working together ever since and we can't stop fighting about countless things. Like eachothers flaws, quirks, likes, dislikes.

I tilted my head back down and kept trying to think of something for the next lyric,

I saw Louis put his papers on my piano! Who the hell does he think he is? Oh yeah, my new music aid. Why did it have to be him?

"Come here for a second."

Louis shocked me at his forward approach, I shot him a confused glance,

"Come on Roxy, this is business. It's not always about us."

Yeah he wishes, I slowly approached him as he patted on the piano bench for me to sit next to him.

"I won't bite."

I carefully sat next to him as we both looked at his song sheets,

"I've been trying to write a song for a while and I need your help since you are the famous songwriter."

I took his song sheets and started scanning his lyrics,


The title said, I read the whole thing and saw his mistake within his title,

"You kind of got you're message in you're title wrong. You should change superheroes to superhuman."

He nodded and took the song sheet from my hands and placed it on the top of the piano and started to play a beautiful sound that mesmerized me. It was so classically beautiful.

"So, what do you think?"

He asked me as I stared in awe at the sheet, I just couldn't look him in the eyes. I think we both caught on to that,

"I asked you, what do you think of the song? You should really answer somebody when they ask you a question instead of looking so dumbfounded."

Louis snapped at me, of course he would. I won't give him what he wants,

"Staring in awe is not called being dumbfounded you dumbass."

I snapped back at him,

"Why am I the dumbass? Don't pick on me just because I can play the piano and you can't? Don't be jealous little re-bound girl."

He snarled as I resisted the urge to punch him in the face,

"Re-bound girl? Who's rebound am I? No one dumbass. Go be with some of your rebounds."

I smirked at the end of what I said because these past weeks, he's walked in here drunk, irritated, or flustered. Idiot.

"You didn't keep your promise."

I simply said as I went to my desk,

"What promise?"

He asked as he came closer to me,

"You wouldn't drink or drug. Look at what you've done to yourself."

Louis smirked,


I asked him,

"You still care about me!"

I rolled my eyes,

"Not true. I care about addictions taking a big toll in someone's life and destroying it."

He sighed as he grabbed one of my lyric sheets,

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now