Chapter 42 - Forever

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"One month later"

-Perrie's POV-

I was eating my eggs and ham on the bus alone. I needed a break from everything. I love Zayn but we also need our space from time to time. I heard the door open as I continued to eat my eggs and ham.


I heard Louis voice,

"I'm not here."

I said as I heard him laugh. He sat infront of me as I glared at him.

"What's wrong?"

He asked me as my eyes widened, I didn't answer him as I took a sip of my orange juice.

"Perrie, I'm just checking up on you 'cause you usually come with us for breakfast."

I rolled my eyes as I put my orange juice down,

"Seriously Pezz, what's wrong?"

I put down my knife and fork as I wiped my mouth and said,

"Do you seriously not know what you did?"

He just sat there and paused,

"No... What did I do now?"

He said like a fucking idiot he is! That's right, I swore, DEAL WITH IT!

"Ask Eleanor what you did."

I said as I drank my orange juice trying to make it look like I'm kinda busy and want him to go away.

"Ohhhhh, so she told you?"

He asked me as my eyes widened again, I don't think that they could have gotten any bigger.

"I saw you two, in your bunk bed going at it like gorillas. 'I love Roxy' my ass!"

I said as the anger boiled up in me,

"Okay look Pezza, Rox wants nothing to do with me anymore. She believes I posted those tweets of us when in reality I did not! Someone hacked into my account and did it. And FYI, she loves Michael now."

"Yeah but that's no excuse of why you slept with Eleanor! You hate her, remember?"

Louis sighed,

"I just don't want to be alone, okay? I wanted to make Roxy jealous!"

I rolled my eyes once again, he's being ridiculous;

"If you didn't notice. Roxy is not here anymore!"

"I know she isn't. But you girls obviously talk."

"It's not always about you. God dammit Louis if you love Roxy, tell her! Prove it to her! Stop trying to hide your feelings and trying to get over her because you never will unless you try again! Maybe you will make it and maybe you won't. I just know that she is in love with you and that you are in love with her and this is getting so ridiculous!"

I stated the truth since no one else will, it's ridiculous they both love each other and are both wreck less without each other.

I took a deep breathe as I continued,

"Look Louis, I honestly believe it when you say that you were hacked. But we need to find out why and by who."

Louis sighed of relief,

"Atleast you believe me; see this is why I love you Pezz. You always understand me, you get me. Even though you may be mad at me right now, you are the best sister that I've ever had."

I let a little smile creep out, I held my stomach because I felt some butterflies... No Perrie what are you talking about...?

"I am going to start right now... But do you know anyone that could track files?"

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now