Chapter 29 - Here Is Gone

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-Louis POV-

It's been about so many weeks that we've been on tour. I have to say that it was amazing. I thought that I would have the crappiest time here since the whole Roxy thing. But i can't even think about her for a second. I think I've gotten over her.

I saw Eleanor yawn as she stretched and got off of our shared bunk together.

"Good morning Louis-"

I grabbed her and forced my lips onto hers. She giggled throughout the kiss.

"I know you have to pretend because of management but you don't have to do it now. No ones here."

She said as her smile never left,

"El, I don't care about management. I'm glad that they've made me realize that... I actually did miss you. I'm so sorry for not noticing that when we first started dating-"

I got cut off by her forcing me down as our lips connected again, I smiled through out the kiss as she ran her fingers through my hair and I ran my hands all over her waist. We heard the curtain open and pulled back. I saw Zayn standing there shocked.

"I just wanted to tell you that we have sound check in five minutes."

He said emotionless as he closed the curtain. Eleanor and I instantly laughed, we both knew that the boys would find us like this often.


Eleanor started as she snapped me out of my thoughts,

"Are we... For real? Not just because of management?"

I grinned and nodded, she cheered and tackled me in an embracing hug as she got up and ran off. I took out my phone and went on Twitbook and changed my status to in a relationship with Eleanor. Maybe the second time around would be better for us?

-Roxy's POV-

I woke up and stretched. I groaned as I realized that I have another day to worry about everything again. My eyes widened as I realized that I wasn't in my bed.... I wasn't even in my own home?

I turned the person over to see Ashton and I instantly calmed myself down. I got up and walked around his house. The halls were a baby blue color. I felt like I was in a hospital. I saw a bunch of pictures of Ashton and what seems to be his family. I smiled as I placed it back down. I sat down on the couch and grabbed a blanket that was next to it. I sat down and looked around the channels on his tv.

I heard a door open and I was surprised to see Michael walk in,


I questioned as he was just as confused of my presence,

"Roxy? Did Ashton invite you here?"

I didn't remember anything after Ashton picked me up at that bench so I just nodded my head.

"He's too busy snoring like an idiot right now so I didn't want to bug him."

Michael giggled as you looked around at the game collection that Ashton had,

"So why are you here?"

I questioned him as he next to me as I tried to find the best game.

"Well, I kind of live here with Ash."

Your eyes widened and you knew that Michael might have thought something happened between the two of you.

"Did you just get home?"

I asked him hoping he didn't,

"No actually I stayed over at Luke's. I'm surprised Ash didn't come with us."

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now