Chapter 56 - Maybe We'll Make It After All

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-Roxy's POV-

I woke up to a beautiful day. My best friend is getting married to the man of her dreams. And I am the maid of honour! I seriously can't wait!

"Hey babe!"

I heard my man say from beside me, it was nice to wake up to see his beautiful face every morning.

"Good morning sweetie."

I said as he kissed my lips,

"I have to go to the recording studio but I will meet you at the wedding."

He said as I was disappointed, I really wanted to show up to the wedding with him.


I said as he finished buttoning his shirt as he sat down beside me and kissed my cheek.

"Don't be so Blum, chum."

Those words always cheered me up when he went to the recording studio without me. I've been let off for a few months because of a current event...

"Don't be so dumb, bum."

I said making him laugh.

"I left an omelet on the table for you, text me when you are on you're way to the wedding."

He kissed my lips one last time, I swear to god I love the smell of his sweet, sweet cologne and the feeling of his body close to me. I'm so happy that things worked out for us.

"See you later, babe."

He said as he walked out of the room. It was like this most mornings, but the mornings when he got to sleep in were amazing. He always made me a huge breakfast and made sure to treat me like a princess. How did I get so lucky?


I made it to the wedding on time and went in the preparation room with Sage.

"Okay this is great!"

Sages mom Sandy said to her with a few tears in her eyes,

"I can't believe my baby is getting married today!"

She said wiping away the tears.

"I can't believe my best friend is getting married today!"

I said trying to help Sandy from crying her eyes out from happiness.

"Okay let's do the final touches!"

She said as I put the last bobby pin in Sages hair, she's been really quiet and I can tell she wants to talk about what's on her mind,

"Hey Sandy, why don't you go fix your make-up from the tears stains and wait in the audience so we can see her in action!"

I said as she nodded and kissed Sages forehead,

"I'll see you out there baby girl."

She said as she flashed Sage a smile and admired her make-up and hair. She lastly looked at her beautiful, white strapless wedding dress. As soon as she left the room, Sage turned to face me as tears started to fall.

"What's wrong?"

I asked as I kneeled down in front of her,

"I'm not sure if I should marry James."

She said as I flashed her a smile and pushed her hair back from her face,

"Question for you my dear."

I started as she shifted her gaze from the ground to my face,

"Do you honestly love James?"

She bite her lip and nodded her head,

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now