Chapter 54 - Drive You Home

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-Louis POV-

I stopped at a mountain top and decided to sit at the edge with Roxy. I think we needed to clear the air and be honest about what's happening between us.

I looked towards her and I could see guilt written all over her face. I understand that maybe she didn't mean to kiss Michael, but it's pretty obvious that she has feelings for him as much as he does for her.

Her hair was blowing in the wind and the sun was slowly going down.

I decided to start the conversation,

"Look, I know you might not have meant to kiss Michael, but I can tell that you have feelings for him and he has feelings for you too."

She looked at me and then she looked away,

"Roxy we need to talk about this because I have something to tell you too. It's best if we are honest with each other about these things."

She looked at me curiously,

"What is it Louis?"

She asked me as I took a deep breath,

"I think I have feelings for someone else too."

I admitted as she looked like I stabbed her in the heart. It's not like I haven't seen that look before. And it's not like I wasn't the cause of it before.

She looked like she couldn't believe that I said it as she gulped,

"Who-who is it?"

She stuttered as I lightly smiled at the trees since it was hard to look at her when I say it.

"It's Perrie."

I said as I could tell she was trying to not cry.

"Please say something Rox-"

"I don't know what to say..."

She said hurt as she let a few tears slide down her cheeks, she wiped her eyes as she got up gently.

"Where are you going?"

I asked her,


She started to walk away as I got up and followed her,

"Roxy we need to talk about this-"

"Not now. I need time."

She said as she kept walking away from me.


I said as I ran in front of her,

"At least let me drive you home."

I said as she nodded her head as we walked towards the car,

-Sages's POV-

I was at home writing up the finishing touches to my first biography for Little Mix!


I said as I typed the last word. My excitement was interrupted by the door bell. I closed my laptop and went to the front door. I opened it up to see Roxy.

"Hey Rox what are you-"

Before I could ask why she's here, she walked in and sat on the couch. She usually acts like this when she has a big decision to make. I closed the door as I sat down next to her.

"What's up girly?"

I said as she looked at me with a poker face. He face started to crunch up as tears escaped her eyes. My mouth widened as I pulled her closer to me.

"What's wrong?"

I asked her pushing her hair out of her face,

"I don't know what to do Sage."

She said as I patted her hair down,

"About what? Come on, tell Doctor Sagey."

She lightly smiled,

"I think I have feelings for Michael."

She said as I took a mental step back,

"Are you sure?"

I asked as she sat up,

"Yeah, and I kissed him today and Louis saw us."

I tried to pretend like I didn't know what was going on,

"Where was this?"

"At the park, we were having a picnic and Michael admitted that he loved me and I told him I did too and I don't know what happened but I kissed him."

Roxy said anxiously, I know that she cares about Louis but I'm pretty sure she really likes Michael too. This is usually how it works out with her.

"Rox I'm gonna be honest with you. Ever since you started dating Louis, it was never just him. There was always someone else in the picture. Like for example, there was Kendall. Then there was that thing with Zayn and now it's Michael."

I said as she looked away,

"So what does that mean?"

She said with disappointment in her voice,

"I know you may love Louis but I don't think he's the one. I really think you should take some time for yourself because ever since the break up, you haven't been single for even a day."

I said knowing it would hurt her but she needed to know the truth.

"What I'm trying to say is that you should take some time for yourself."

She nodded her head,

"So what happened after Louis saw the kiss?"

I asked hoping she would explain it in detail,

"Well I ran after Louis. I finally caught up to him at his car and I asked him to hear me out."

I nodded my head gesturing for her to continue,

"Then he drove me to a mountain top and I told him that I have feelings for Michael."

I couldn't believe she was honest about this with him; usually she would say that the guy was all over her. But I'm glad she's trying to make this work.

"He asked me to be honest with him so I was. Then he told me that he has feelings for someone else."

She said as a few tears escaped her eyes again,

"Did he say who?"

I asked her hoping she wouldn't be too upset,


She said as she started crying a lot more as I hugged her from the side.

"So what are you doing to do Roxy?"

I asked her as she looked at me and wiped my eyes,

"I know what I have to do. But I'm not going to like it..."

She admitted as she wiped her eyes,

"Whatever makes you feel better sweetheart."

I sat as I patted her back. I know she will make the right decision and I will be here to support her.

So what will be Roxy's decision?
We will soon find out :)
Stay strong lovelies xx

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