Chapter 7 - Boy

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-Roxy's POV-

I was in my living room at Jem's and I sat myself on Louis lap on the big couch. The rest of the guys were on the other sofas talking and laughing. We both giggled as he started to rub his hands all over my right thigh. I told him, "Stop it. Not in front of my family." I giggled throughout because he kept on tickling me. I looked at my family who were now talking and laughing and totally not paying attention to us. I stopped his hands and he gave me an annoyed and cute look. "Come on, they know we're together. Why do we have to hide?"

I woke up unpleasantly and breathed heavily, that was the strangest dream I've had of us yet.

I got up and saw Pashmina at the end of my bed.

"Come on sweetie, get up."

I unplugged my phone from its charger and got up. I looked to see that I had 5 missed calls... 2 from Perrie, 1 from Kendall, 1 from Zayn... Why would Zayn be calling me at 3:00 am?

The last missed call took me by surprise. I pressed on it and called the uknown number.


I hung it up instantly, it was Louis. How in the hell did he get my new number?

Anyways, I decided to call Zayn and see what was up with him.

"Hey Zayn."

I said as I smiled, me and Zayn have been best friends ever since we met. He's just such a caring person.

"Hey Rox. Perrie and I wanted to know if we could do a writing session with you today?"

I looked through my schedule,

"At 2:00 you guys can come, I have no appointments afterwards so we can take as much as time as you would like."

I could hear Zayn breathing heavily at the other end.

"Is everything alright Zayn?"

I asked him concerned,

"No, but I'll talk to you about it then. Perrie's going to be an hour late."

I smiled sympathetically, I just hope that they didn't have a fight.

"Yeah sure, see you then. If you need to talk to me, I'll come see you, ok?"

Zayn replied with his casual 'yeah' and we said our goodbyes. I got dressed and ready for the day. Just another normal day of avoiding my ex and Simons nags.

- Louis POV-

I went to Roxy's office, bright and early. Writing her a note and a song daily. I am completely cliché but whatever, I like it that way.

Today I decided to just write her a letter instead of giving her a song. I put my little present for her on her desk chair.

I ran away to my little office as I bumped into Zayn.

"Hey mate. What's up?"

I asked him as in-deviously as I could,

"Why were you in Roxy's office?"

He asked me as anger and confusion was caught in his throat,

"I wasn't in her office."

I said as I started running off to the other office I was supposed to go to.

"Hey Louis. My assistant got you're call yesterday. What do you need?"

Demi asked me as I took a seat in front of her.

"You and I both know how much Roxy admires you."

Demi smiled as she nodded her head giving me the chance to continue,

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now