Chapter 51 - Do This Anymore

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Chapter 51 - Do This Anymore

-Louis POV-

I can't believe that Perrie broke up with Zayn because she thinks that she has feelings for me! Like I don't know if I have feelings for her, but I have to find out.

We were all getting ready to go home as we packed up our things. It's amazing how we finished the last show so quickly. It was amazing and I played around with Liam on stage. We pulled pranks on Harry and Niall. But Zayn seemed to be a little weird about things... He didn't want to talk to me or even be ten feet away from me.

I knocked on the tour bus door as Jade opened the door.

"Hey Louis, what's up?"

I smiled disappointedly because I was hoping Perrie would open the door,

"Hey Jade I was looking for Perrie quickly before we left. I wanted to ask her something."

She smiled and opened the door wider,

"She's already on your bus with Zayn right now."

My heart dropped,


I said madly,

"They are talking about things because he needs closure and to realize what he did wrong. You can talk to her once we get back. Anyways, I have to go pack up so see you at the studio!"

She flashed me a huge smile as she closed the door.

I quickly ran to my bus as I saw Niall and Harry laughing,

"Hey Lou, where are you going?"

Harry asked me as I looked around to find Zayn.

"Just looking for something I might have lost."

I answered still trying to hear where her voice was,

"What did you lose?"

Niall asked,

"His virginity to Roxy last week in the lounge room."

Harry giggled as I gently hit him on the shoulder,

"It wasn't my first time! You know that."

Nialls eyes widened,

"You had sex with Roxy in the chill out lounge ?"

Niall asked me hoping it wasn't true. I smirked at him and he threw his hands in the air.

"I'm not going in there ever again!"

Niall said as he went in the bathroom and closed the door,

Me and Harry sat down on the couch as Perrie appeared from the lounge and had a few tears in her eyes.


I said as she stopped and looked at me,

"Are you okay."

She stood there; speechless for about 5 seconds. Then she shook her head and walked out of the bus.

I went to get up as Harry pulled me back down,

"Let her be for now, okay?"

I was surprised that he was trying to stop me from talking to Perrie.

"I know that you always want to be the one to pick up the pieces when she's upset, but you have to let it go for this one okay?"

I didn't recognize that I always wanted to make her happy when she was sad. I need to help her out because I hate it when she's not smiling. She has such a beautiful smile. Oh my god Louis! She's your best friend! Don't think of her like that!

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now