Chapter 23 - Stay The Night

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-Louis POV-

I couldn't take it anymore; i know that I've been strong and everything but I just need a break from all of this pretending of being alright with Roxy working at the same place as me and not being able to get over her. I hurt her so much and I just need to getaway from everything.

I went to the bar with the guys as we ordered drinks. In a matter of minutes we were pretty much all hammered. Niall was making out with Jade. Harry was making out with this random chick. Zayn was dancing with Perrie (I won't say what kind because my mind is not that dirty just yet). Liam was also dancing with Danielle like party animals. That left me to sitting at this bar alone as I couldn't seem to remember anything or anyone. All that mattered to me was forgetting about Roxy.

-Roxy's POV-

I was left all alone at this bar as Sage and James went to dance in the crowd as the crazy idiots they were. I sat down on a stool as I ordered countless orders of gingerale and water since I'm not really a drinker. (You're probably asking why the fuck am I here. Like I said at the beginning, I was dragged here)

I noticed someone sat down next to me but I was too pissed off to look at who it was,

"Give me another beer, please."

The bartender nodded as he passed him a bottle,

"I really just fucking hate being in love. You know what I mean? A pretty girl like yourself should know."

I smiled slightly as I nodded in agreement,

"It's been two years since the most beautiful girl and I broke up because of my stupid mother. Ever since that night, I stopped talking to my mom completely. My father even divorced her because of it."

My eyes lit up as I turned my attention to see who was talking to me,


"How do you know my name?"

"Because I'm Roxy, duh?"

Louis shook his head as he swigged his beer,

"You must be her twin because you look exactly the same but your not my Roxy."

I rolled my eyes as I decided to just sip on my ginger ale and ignore him since he's been such an idiot to me all these past months already and this is not helping.

"I even hired a hot ass girl to take my mind off of her. But I-I just can't get her off of my mind, after all of this time of carrying this little box ever since that night at my mothers, I can't get over it that easily."

I looked at him weirdly,

"What box-"

I was rudely interrupted as he kept talking and took a little velvet box out,

"I was planning on proposing to her at my mothers place. It tore me apart when we broke up since my family were being idiots reacting to a massive mistake that I've done and I just wanted to tell her how much I loved her and that I wanted to be with her forever-"

And with that my lips crashed on to his and there was no way that he would hold back either. After two years of trying to forget him, two years of my heart constantly bleeding in my songs. Two years that I've gone without him. I needed him more than I ever thought could be possible. I never thought that I would ever need someone like this in my life. Even though I know he's bad for me. I can't control myself right now.

"Excuse me. You two need to go outside to do this."

The bartender said as we both walked out of the bar as he lead me through the crowd, our hands never leaving each others. I didn't see James or Sage anywhere... Did they set this up? No they couldn't have, they utterly dislike Louis.

We went into a taxi as we never stopped looking at each other. I noticed his eyes were really red and puffy. His breath had a hard stench of heavy liquor but I really couldn't care less right now.

As soon as we got to his house and the taxi was out of site, Louis grabbed my hand as he forced his lips on to mine and forced me in to his house. He pushed me against the wall as he started kissing down my neck,

"What did you really think about Roxy?"

I asked him as he looked into my eyes as if he was looking at a completely different person,

"Roxy is my everything, I wish I could have her back.. I really can't explain it in words... Man, you really look like her."

He said as he swooped me off my feet and ran up the stairs as he threw me on his bed and hovered over me.

"I'm going to show you how much I loved Roxy."


So! Who saw this coming? Do you guys think it happened too fast? Anyways, it had to happen soon because seriously. It was hard to keep writing about them apart but here we go! Stay strong lovelies and leave me some comments xx

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now