Chapter 32 - I Hate To Say It

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-Louis POV-

So we got a few hours to take off. I decided to go on Twitbook and answer some fans twits.

I was rolling down the whole page as I noticed Roxy was mentioned in some peoples posts. My eyes widened as I looked at the picture. It was her and Michael. Michael Clifford. That fucking douchebag. I can't tell you how much I can't stand that guy. I took out my phone and texted Roxy.

To Roxy: so I see you've been hanging out with Clifford. Don't go down that road again. We both know what a douche he is.

I angrily sent the text even though I knew I shouldn't have. I saw more pictures of them. They were laughing! Who knew that guy could even laugh?

I heard girlish screams as I opened my tour bunk curtain to see Little Mix and Sage come on to the bus.


Perrie screeched as she squeezed me,

"Hey Perrie."

I said as she noticed I was feeling a little bit off,

"What's wrong Lou?"

She asked me as I quietly whispered to her,

"Roxy's hanging out with my ex best friend."

Perrie took my phone and saw the pictures of Roxy and Michael.

"That's Michael? The new guy she's been hanging around with?"

I nodded my head,

"Honestly Louis, she's been spending a lot of time with him lately. I don't want her to jump into anything again because she's really hurt. But it's her life. We're all on tour, what do you expect from her? She's probably extremely lonely down there."

Perrie tried to defend her as I rolled my eyes,

"She didn't need to hang out with Michael."

I said sternly as Perrie questioned me further,

"Why do you care Louis? Let her hang out with who she wants. You've moved on with El. Let her live her life for once without having to fight for your approval."

She snapped at me as Sage came up to us,

"Are we fighting about Michael and Roxy hanging out?"

I couldn't hold back my anger as I hit the tour bus wall.

"Seriously Lou. Don't worry. I've talked to her about Michael because I know how she is with guys and what kind of influence Michael was on her. He will probably be gone in a month."

Sage reassured me but I still felt a sudden urge to kill him,

"I don't want her to get hurt by him."

I stated as the anger inside of me boiled.

"It's nice of you to care about that but you should worry about yourself because you guys are not even friends anymore."

All of the guys stole Perrie and Sage away from me as they noticed that I was starting to get pissed. What did I do to deserve Roxy to push me away and then hang out with Michael? I angrily looked through more photos of hers. I saw Ashton Irwin kissing her cheek. Yeah, that's right. I even saw a picture of Luke giving her a piggy back ride. It looks like they went to a carnival. I also saw a picture of her and Calum squeezing eachother. Why are they all back in her life now?

I scrolled down and saw a video.

"This is your song Rox."

Michael posted that picture on her page and wrote that. I listened to the song out of curiosity.

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now