Chapter 36 - Everything I Didn't Say

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-Roxy's POV-

I was on the plane going home as my phone started buzzing like crazy. I checked my twitter since I obviously know that we're not allowed to use our phone service on airplanes but only wifi. I hate an unimaginable amount of notifications. I checked some of them out as my heart sank when I saw Louis. He posted an old pic of us kissing at VTA. When I had my pink hair... Why would he do such a thing?

I checked out his comment and my jaw dropped immediately reading the lie,

"@RoxyDianne I miss this :( I love you so much, I hope you decide to keep our baby <3"

I got a bunch of tweets from weird twitter accounts telling me to back off of Louis. That I'm an attention whore. Some people even got pictures of my cuts and took videos of them cutting themselves. I put my phone in my pocket as I went into the bathroom and let a few tears out. Why would Louis do such a thing? I thought he said he would respect that I need space to figure things out and that's what he does to me?

I went back to my seat as I calmed myself down.

"Flight 191 to L.A. will soon be landing. Please remain in your seats and attach your seatbelts."

I did as I was told and waited until I got off of the plane. I honestly couldn't wait, I just need Ashton right now.

-Ashton's POV-

So I couldn't go to get Roxy because of her surprise. I brought all of the boys to the recording studio as they all gave me weird looks.

"Why are we here, Ash?"

Cal asked me from the back as all of the boys stared at me intently,

"Roxy asked me to pick something up for her. Come on I need your help, it's heavy."

I said as they all got out of the car and ran inside. I saw Wayde as he flashed us a smile and gestured for us to come his way. I put a thumbs up as the boys dumbfoundedly followed me. Wayde lead us into the recording studio as we all sat down in seats infront of the sound booth.

"So you guys know why I called you in here or did Roxanne tell you?"

We all exchanged looks and shook our heads. Everyone stared at me expecting me to say that I did know about this but I didn't give in.

"Roxanne needed a demo, she told me that you guys wrote a song?"

We all nodded,

"Okay, well she wanted this song to have a rock sound. So can you guys figure some things out before she gets back by tonight? Please do whatever. Make this demo for her because she works hard and she needs help at times. I'll pay you guys and everything."

We all cheered as we hugged Wayde.

"Thanks Wayde."

We all said in unison as we went in the recording booth with the drums and guitars. We all picked them up. The guys noticed that there guitars had their names on it.

"This is weird... Why does my guitar have my name on it?"

Luke questioned as the boys looked at eachothers guitars,

"Mine too."

Michael chimed in as I quickly said,

"Like Wayde said. Roxy set this up so we'd feel comfortable."

I added quickly.

"So this was the big secret you couldn't tell us? It's not that big of a deal, Ash. You could have just told us."

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now